Historical concept

美 [hɪˈstɔːrɪkl ˈkɑːnsept]英 [hɪˈstɒrɪkl ˈkɒnsept]
  • 网络历史概念
Historical conceptHistorical concept
  1. National security is a historical concept as so as an international political concept .


  2. The livelihood of the people is a historical concept .


  3. Therefore , it is safe to say that right is a historical concept .


  4. A Philosophic Analysis of Chinese Ancient Historical Concept


  5. Citizen is a historical concept ; different time requires different civic identity and quality .


  6. Secondly , institutional justice is a historical concept .


  7. Historical concept of labour is the core of historical concept of Marx 's science .


  8. The historical concept of ancient China grew on the soil of Chinese culture and enriched Chinese culture meanwhile .


  9. The laws of socialist construction and human development belong to the content of historical concept of materialism .


  10. The artistic image is one historical concept category , locates inside the unceasing production change .


  11. Thus , the multinational unification of China is both a political concept and a historical concept .


  12. " Europe " is an historical concept that first been discussed widely in the 15th century .


  13. The Decoding on the Historical Concept of Status Revolution of Hofstadter


  14. Chapter ⅱ is involved in the historical concept in Liu 's work which expresses a circulating history .


  15. The justice is a historical concept , and its existence relies on certain physical conditions and spiritual condition .


  16. However , Liyin is a historical concept as it was formed through a historical period of time .


  17. For example , students will soon be discussing whether the separation of church and state is a legitimate historical concept .


  18. The transformation from the historical concept to the literary one reflects a novel conception that novel supplements the official history .


  19. A Comparative Study of The Plains of White Deer and Solitude for One Century in historical Concept and Narrative Strategies


  20. The thought originating from materialistic historical concept is developed and enriched in terms of our Party 's mass concept .


  21. Harbin gas industry as the object of this paper is in such a historical concept and under the conditions of the system of profound change .


  22. Today , the Department of China Legal systems are just as a historical concept of research . The study of China Legal systems did not attract enough attention .


  23. The first part mainly researches the cultural background of ancient Greek and Rome history in order to quest the origin of pragmatic historical concept .


  24. His historical concept of Status Revolution played an important role in his whole historical thought , and made hot debates among many scholars in the1950s .


  25. Philanthropy is a historical concept which born with the birth of country , developed with the improvement of society and then achieved a mature situation .


  26. Western modernity and the development of its historical concept lead to at last the standard of the deconstruction of right and wrong , good and evil .


  27. Concept Formation at the Conjunction of the Orthodox and the Unorthodox : The Historical Concept in A History of Female Celestials


  28. Compared with employment , unemployment is also a historical concept , which means concerned party loses main opportunity of participation to social life , but unemployment system appeared later .


  29. The critique of Chinese ancient novels has been developed under the shadow of the historical concept which has a great influence on people 's understanding of the nature of novel .


  30. " Marginal narration " actually is a " historical concept " in comparison with the propositions and creations affirmed and advocated in different periods .
