Herman Van Rompuy

  • 网络范龙佩;欧洲理事会主席;赫尔曼·范龙佩
Herman Van RompuyHerman Van Rompuy
  1. President of the European Council Herman van Rompuy said the doomsayers are wrong .


  2. European Council President Herman Van Rompuy spoke with Mr. Putin Friday afternoon and discussed the ' financial and security situation ' in Ukraine , the EU said .


  3. The current president is Herman Van Rompuy of Belgium .


  4. Prime ministers no longer host summits : Herman Van Rompuy presides instead .


  5. The choice of Belgian Prime Minister Herman Van Rompuy as European Union president has drawn mixed reaction .


  6. Herman Van Rompuy , president of the European Council , has been to see him in Rome .


  7. Belgian Prime Minister Herman Van Rompuy is a low-key politician with a reputation for conciliation .


  8. European Council President Herman Van Rompuy , who opened a weibo account in 2011 , has more than 3 million followers .


  9. Herman Van Rompuy , Belgium 's prime minister , was elevated to the lofty position of permanent president of the European Council .


  10. The EU council president Herman Van Rompuy says a new package of sanction has been adopted but the implementation will be put off for a few days .


  11. Herman Van Rompuy , the EU 's new president , will chair the meeting for the first time since his appointment under the terms of the Lisbon treaty .


  12. The Prime Minister has praised the " integrity and resolve " of Belgian Prime Minister Herman van Rompuy following his appointment as Europe 's first full-time President .


  13. For the first time , Europeans have a permanent president of the European Union , former Belgian prime minister Herman Van Rompuy , who takes office on January 1 .


  14. The President of the European Council Herman Van Rompuy has welcomed the initiative , despite opposition from some member states who are concerned about the costs of further enlargement .


  15. The European Union ( EU ) 's first full-time President Herman Van Rompuy marked his first working day on Monday with a call for a special summit among EU leaders to discuss economic issues .


  16. White House officials did little to disguise their disappointment last Friday when Europe selected two minor figures to be its president and high representative on foreign affairs Herman Van Rompuy and Cathy Ashton .


  17. EU President Herman van Rompuy said Wednesday that negotiations on a rescue package for Greece are " well on track " and he plans to hold a summit around May10 for Eurozone leaders .


  18. Herman van Rompuy , the EU 's permanent president , described the deal as a political statement saying leaders had not come up with a detailed rescue package because Greece had not asked for assistance .


  19. Herman Van Rompuy , president of the European Council , yesterday published a scaled-back version of the plan for the future of the eurozone , which drops proposals to give EU institutions the power to rewrite national budgets and bail out banks directly .


  20. Herman Van Rompuy , President of the European Council , is expected to summon European Union leaders to a dinner to discuss growth . With parts of the euro zone crushed by recession and mass unemployment , many now look to Mr Hollande for relief .
