Half naked

美 [hæf ˈneɪkɪd]英 [hɑːf ˈneɪkɪd]
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Half nakedHalf naked
  1. The one is a philosopher without a tunic , and the other without a book : here is another half naked : Bread I have not , he says , and I abide by reason .


  2. They found him half naked and bleeding to death .


  3. They found the body lying half naked in the grass .


  4. And the guy in the play was half naked .


  5. I looked across an ocean of tanned , half naked bodies stripped down in protest of the scorching heat .


  6. God drove Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden with body half naked and hair dishevelled and they began to multiply descendants .


  7. Sadly in 2011 Worcester Library Committee banned the would-be strippers , ruling that ' Half Naked Half Hours " posed a distraction to other studiers . 4 .


  8. On one of the pallets , Marius caught a glimpse of a sort of tall pale young girl , who sat there half naked and with pendant feet , and who did not seem to be listening or seeing or living .


  9. I wonder which half 's gonna be naked .
