Hakka area

Hakka areaHakka area
  1. Space and Time Differences in Education in the Hakka Area in the Three Rivers Valley


  2. The Custom of " Round Tomb " in Hakka Area and the Rice Culture


  3. Overall , leisure activities of the rural women in Hakka area type is entertainment-based , learning-oriented activities were few .


  4. Dragon as a symbol and sign of the Chinese nation , is behaved various dragon customs in eastern Guangdong Hakka area .


  5. ABM : To examine the surface ( S ) gene variability of hepatitis B virus ( HBV ) in Hakka area of Guangdong province in China .


  6. The spreading of worship god in Guangdong province was frustrated , but in Hakka area of Guangxi province it had developed vigorously under specific historical background .


  7. The Miniature of Social Life in Eastern Guangdong Hakka Area in the Early 20 ~ ( th ) Century & Exemplified by A Memoir of Meizhou Heroes


  8. Using eggs to confirm lives , to define each stage of human life , and to prevail in many etiquettes and customs has become a very common cultural phenomenon in Hakka area .


  9. Ancestor worship is common in hakka area , which is a reflection of patriarchal clan as well as a great influence on its morality , mode of thinking , and attitude to life .


  10. Taiping Heavenly Kingdom originated in Hakka mountain area of Guangxi province , which branded Hakka culture and Hakka psychology on Taiping 's political culture .


  11. The Hakka in Zhuang Area : on the Case of Shanglin County , Guangxi & Part ⅲ of Study on the Relationship between Zhuang and Hakka


  12. Aesthetic Standards of Hakka Culture in Gannan Area


  13. Ecological effect and influence of Hakka culture on regional development of Hakka area


  14. Fascination of the Educated Youth Legacy in Developing Tourism Between South and West Fujian ; ECOLOGICAL EFFECT AND INFLUENCE OF HAKKA CULTURE ON REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF HAKKA AREA
