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  • 网络组蛋白脱乙酰基酶;组蛋白去乙酰化酶抑制剂;组蛋白脱乙酰酶;大剂量阿糖胞苷;组蛋白脱乙酰化酶
  1. Structure based virtual screening of HDAC inhibitors


  2. Studies have shown that , HDAC inhibitors can mediate the differentiation of several cells through inhibited the activity of HDAC .


  3. HDAC inhibitors could reverse these abnormalities and impose anti-leukemia ability .


  4. Relationship between HDAC activity and lung function as well as smoking in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of COPD patients


  5. HDAC inhibitors block the removal of these acetyl groups .


  6. Hydroxamic acid compounds are component of most of the HDAC inhibitors .


  7. HDAC removes certain chemicals , called acetyl groups , from a wide range of proteins .


  8. We further showed that PAC-320 possessed a strong inhibitory effect to intracellular HDAC activity .


  9. HDAC activity plays a key role in the regulation of gene expression , and HDAC is a clinically validated cancer target .


  10. HDAC Inhibitor Trichostatin a Promotes the Specialized Differentiation of Mesenchymal Stem Cells and Investigate to Mechanism of Acetylated Action


  11. Objective : To improve the synthetic procedure of the histone deacetylase ( HDAC ) inhibitor SAHA .


  12. However , existing HDAC inhibitors can exhibit low potency , lack of selectivity , and poor pharmacokinetic or toxicity profiles .


  13. The research progress of HDAC inhibitors systema - ( tically ) are reviewed .


  14. Research shows that HDAC inhibitors have shown a good antitumor effect on a variety of tumor cells including bladder , ovarian , lung , bone , esophageal .


  15. HDAC inhibitors can inhibit the growth and survival of tumor cell through regulating the abnormal proliferation and ( or ) the expression of apoptosis-related gene .


  16. HDAC inhibitors are a newer class of cancer drugs that can , as single agents or in combination with other anticancer agents , kill cancer cells .


  17. The new study shows that VPA can remit leukemogenesis mediated by AML1 / ETO fusion gene through breaking abnormal function of HDAC .


  18. Conclusion These results suggested that HDAC was involved in the mechanism of inhibition of tyrosine hydroxylase expression in α - Syn-transfected dopaminergic neuronal cells .


  19. With HDAC , experiments could be conducted at - 180 ℃ to 1200 ℃ and 100 ~ 10000MPa within hydrothermal system and the entire experiment process could be observed .


  20. The preclinical efficacy and pharmacokinetic properties of HBI-8000 may translate into an improved clinical profile over other HDAC inhibitors currently being marketed or in development .


  21. Histone deacetylase ( HDAC ) greatly affects the chromatin topology and gene expression , and HDAC can be a new strategy in human cancer or tumour therapy .


  22. Recent studies showed that some transcriptional regulators with histone acetyltransferase ( HAT ) and deacetylase ( HDAC ) activities may play a causative role in regulating gene expression .


  23. The paper proposed a possible binding mode of MS-275 , a benzamide histone deacetylase ( HDAC ) inhibitor , to HDAC by intensive docking study .


  24. Moreover , HDAC inhibitor TSA induced histone hyperacetylation and stimulated Sp1 binding to mda-7 promoter , which in turn enhanced the expression of mda-7 .


  25. The infrared spectra measurement for water has been conducted and investigated at the temperatures of 35-350 ℃ and the pressures of 1.7-2.7 GPa by using Hydrothermal Diamond Anvil Cell ( HDAC ) .


  26. The best method for in situ observation of the deep earth fluids is to utilized a hydrothermal diamond anvil cell ( HDAC ) connected to different spectrometers , and by using Synchrotron radiation technique .


  27. If CoR bind with gene abnormally and HDAC act with histone continuously , gene transcription will be inhibited . Many tumors ' occurrence and develop have the directly relations with transcription inhibition .


  28. Modulation of core histone acetylation by histone deacetylase ( HDAC ) and histone acetyl - transferase ( HAT ) alters chromatin structure and dynamically affects transcriptional regulation .


  29. Histone acetylation is an important part of epigenetics . The dynamic equilibrium between Histone acetyltransferase ( HAT ) and histone deacetylase ( HDAC ) can control the chromatin structure and gene expression .


  30. The aberrant transcriptional repression caused by abnormal expression of HDAC is believed to be able to act as key regulators of many diseases , including cancers , acute promyelocytic leukemia , viral and flammation .
