Group of Eight

美 [ɡruːp əv eɪt]英 [ɡruːp ɒv eɪt]
  • 八国集团;八国集团,西方七大工业国加俄罗斯
Group of EightGroup of Eight
  1. Cecilia accompanied her husband to the Group of Eight summit in Germany on Wednesday , where she will follow a " wives'programme " & hosted by the husband of German Chancellor Angela Merkel .


  2. On China 's Participation of the Group of Eight


  3. The next group of eight characters will build an extra 32 .


  4. The Group of Eight and China


  5. A top issue discussed at the Group of Eight meeting was aid to Africa .


  6. We are promised great things on climate issues from the group of Eight summit .


  7. An extent is a group of eight contiguous pages .


  8. A group of eight small islands in the central Pacific Ocean north of Samoa .


  9. The NATO Summit will be held simultaneously with a Group of Eight Summit .


  10. In computing and communications , a group of eight binary digits treated as an entity .


  11. We asked a large group of eight year olds from Different backgrounds about " Friendly Fish " .


  12. The two men met on the sidelines of a meeting of the Group of Eight leading industrial nations .


  13. Conference of the group of eight on a dialogue between government and industry on safety and confidence in cyberspace ;


  14. The meetings of the group of eight leading industrial nations can reinforce sound FDI policies at the highest level .


  15. May Li Aung heads Wun Pawng Ninghto , an umbrella group of eight local aid agencies .


  16. In May , the group of eight promised $ 20bn of loans to Tunisia and Egypt over the next three years .


  17. Japan is hosting the meeting of delegates from the so-called G8 , or group of eight industrialized nations .


  18. How to respond to the Arab s was a major question for world leaders this week at the Group of Eight meeting in France .


  19. Attempts to step up international action on climate change among the group of eight industrialised nations are being strongly contested by the US government .


  20. Finance ministers of the group of eight leading economies have commissioned a study on the role of financial market speculation in recent oil price rises .


  21. The Group of Eight industrial powers meet in Saint Petersburg this weekend but have not much to smile about , according to the index .


  22. It is of great importance to enhance the study of Group of Eight ( G8 ), for it is playing an active role in international arena today .


  23. The Group of Eight meetings of 2008 and 2009 cited this as an option to be further explored , but failed to act .


  24. This time it is the Group of Eight Summit hosted by the Italian government in a town devastated by an earthquake just months ago .


  25. In her complaint , police said , the woman alleged that she was attacked by a group of eight men in central Delhi .


  26. And waiting for their recon data in slipspace was pattersons battle group of eight ships .


  27. How to respond to the Arab uprisings was a major question for world leaders this week at the Group of Eight meeting in France .


  28. No longer would small cabals of rich countries like the group of eight stitch up deals while excluding half the world economy from the discussions .


  29. Japanese officials say the 2007-08 food crisis stemmed from decades of under - investment in agriculture , a view shared by the group of eight rich countries .


  30. Similar worries will be at the top of the agenda when the leaders of the group of eight meet next month in Osaka , Japan .
