Gordon Moore

美 [ˈgɔrdən mʊr]英 [ˈgɔːdən mʊə]
  • 网络戈登·摩尔;戈登摩尔;戈登-摩尔;高登·摩尔
Gordon MooreGordon Moore
  1. And that mistake begins with Gordon Moore 's change of graph paper .


  2. The exponential growth of computing started decades before Gordon Moore was even born .


  3. In 1975 , Gordon Moore revised his forecast to state that the count would double every two years .


  4. Gordon Moore has been present at the creation of three legendary companies of Silicon Valley .


  5. In his paper " Moore 's Law at 40 , " Gordon Moore makes an interesting observation .


  6. He took Gordon Moore and founded a company that they called Integrated Electronics Corporation , which they soon smartly abbreviated to Intel .


  7. A paper by Gordon Moore ( of Moore 's law fame ) gives figures for the total number of transistors manufactured per year since the 1950s .


  8. Hired as Intel 's first employee by founders Gordon Moore and Robert Noyce , it was his ability to get things done that made him invaluable .


  9. As the legend goes , in 1964 Dr. Gordon Moore , then at Fairchild Semiconductor , was preparing a paper for Electronics magazine on the evolution of semiconductor memory chips .


  10. But Shockley became increasingly erratic and abandoned his silicon transistor project , which led eight of his engineers - most notably Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore - to break away to form Fairchild Semiconductor .


  11. For the 50th anniversary of Moore 's Law , I interviewed Moore , now 86 , at the Exploratorium in San Francisco , at a celebration in his honor co-hosted by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation and Intel .


  12. Gordon French and Fred Moore , decided to create a more formal club where news about personal electronics could be shared .
