Gartner Group

Gartner  GroupGartner Group
  1. Classification of manufacturing modes and discuss with Gartner Group


  2. In this context , Gartner Group in 1997 put forward the concept of CRM .


  3. Gartner Group has forecasted the collaborative commerce will become the core content of the commerce development next round .


  4. According to Gartner Group , over three-fifths of such projects have failed to meet expectations .


  5. From the year of 1999 , the conception of collaborative commerce is put forward by Gartner Group , it is get used more widely .


  6. Since ERP was brought forward by Gartner Group Inc in 1990s , ERP system has been broadly applied all over the world .


  7. Since 1997 , Gartner Group presented the concept of customer relationship management , many research institutions have written articles for discussing customer relationship management from theoretical and practical perspective .


  8. A recent study by The Gartner Group found that by the end of this year , ten percent of U.S. - based information technology jobs will move to emerging markets .


  9. An American Corporation , the Gartner Group investigation demonstrated that the project has 40 % in North America ICT ( Information Communication Technology Industry ) all is the defeat .


  10. CORRESPONDENT A recent study by The Gartner Group found that by the end of this year , ten percent of U.S. - based information technology jobs will move to emerging markets .


  11. " A Web-services-capable infrastructure that supports intelligently directed communication and mediated relationships among loosely coupled and decoupled biz components . "( Source : Gartner Group )


  12. Gartner Group at first put forward ERP management thinking in 1990 , while in recent years Chinese packaging enterprise began to introduce ERP , and also there were several research institute studying packaging enterprise ERP system .


  13. Event-driven architectures include simple event processing , complex event processing ( CEP ) and event stream processing ( ESP ) are an in area that the Gartner group is poised for significant growth .


  14. If the prognosticators at the research outfit Gartner Group are to be believed , HP has little hope of even becoming a major player in the tablet market , much less of leapfrogging apple .


  15. For example , the Gartner Group states that the " lack of working governance mechanisms in midsize-to-large ( greater than 50 services ) post-pilot projects will be the most common reason for project failure " .


  16. Just like Gartner Group has said , SOA is an important issue in modern application development area . In 2008 , SOA will be the domination software engineering development method , mainstream enterprises now should invest more on understanding and apply SOA development technology .


  17. Then the Gartner Group Company issuance it and defined it as a business strategy that motivates value-chain partners with a common business interest to generate value through sharing information at all phases of the business cycle ( from product development to distribution ) .


  18. AWS has stayed ahead of the pack : Gartner , the research group , estimates that it has 10 times the computing capacity of its 14 nearest competitors combined .


  19. Carolina milanesi , research director at Gartner , the analyst group , said that bundled services would be a key way to differentiate Nokia in the nascent but already crowded netbook market .


  20. Microsoft overtook IBM to move into second place in the $ 32bn a year database market between 2011-14 , according to Gartner , the research group , although its 21 per cent market share was still only half that of Oracle .


  21. The latest evidence of Google 's rapid success in mobile comes from Gartner , the research group , which said Android 's global share of the smartphone market had leapt from 1.8 per cent a year ago to 17.2 per cent in the second quarter of 2010 .
