Gallup poll

美 [ˈɡæləp poʊl]英 [ˈɡæləp pəʊl]
  • n.盖洛普民意测验
Gallup pollGallup poll


a way of finding out public opinion by asking a typical group of people questions

  1. And in a Gallup poll in 2006 , Americans said adultery was morally worse than either polygamy or human cloning .


  2. In a Gallup poll in January 2013 , about 75 percent of Americans polled favored limiting terms for Congress members .


  3. A recent Gallup poll revealed that 20 million Americans claimed to have had near-death experiences .


  4. But a recent Gallup poll found nearly 60 percent of Americans favor cutting foreign aid .


  5. The above Gallup poll shows a clear trend of growing pessimism among Americans about the economy .


  6. It will take a week for the full effect of the debate to show in the Gallup poll .


  7. But a recent Gallup Poll shows his rating among Hispanics has slipped .


  8. According to a recent Gallup poll , the top reason people quit their job is a bad supervisor .


  9. A Gallup Poll found that half of all Americans claim they lack enough time to do what they want .


  10. A recent USA Today / Gallup poll showed that 59 per cent of Americans think government spending is excessive .


  11. In a recent Gallup poll , voters ranked tackling climate change last out of 15 priorities .


  12. In 1990 a Gallup poll revealed that nearly 80 per cent of Americans supported tougher gun laws .


  13. And a recent Gallup poll asked participants how much stress and worry and anger they had experienced the previous day .


  14. An analysis of the polls and variables in the 2004 presidential election in US & A case study of the Gallup poll


  15. A Gallup poll found that two-thirds of Americans favour raising taxes on those making more than $ 250,000 a year .


  16. And a recent Gallup poll


  17. A 2000 Gallup poll revealed that only 25 percent of Americans considered themselves either very or somewhat superstitious .


  18. More than half of Americans say colleges shouldn 't give children of alumni a leg up , according to a recent Gallup poll ;


  19. Eight in 10 Americans eat fast food at least once a month and half eat it every week according , to a Gallup Poll .


  20. A 2007 Gallup poll found more than 30 percent of workers believed that their fellow employees wasted 2 to 3 hours a day .


  21. Forty-four percent in a USA Today / Gallup Poll released this week approved of Barack Obama 's handling of the issue .


  22. A recent Gallup poll in the US found that while 81 per cent of respondents trusted nurses , only 15 per cent trusted business executives .


  23. A Gallup poll on June 20 found that 43 per cent of respondents approved of the president 's performance , while 48 per cent disapproved .


  24. The Wall Street Journal reported in September that 18 percent of US employees complain about their colleagues , according to a Gallup poll of 31,265 employees .


  25. In a Gallup poll in September , 1 % cited the environment as America 's most important problem , 26 % health care and29 % the economy .


  26. In a recent Gallup poll , Americans say they are keenest on the computer industry , with the restaurant business and hard-working farmers not far behind .


  27. According to a recent Gallup poll , 51 per cent of Americans disapprove of his performance on " controlling public spending " against 45 per cent who approve .


  28. The September 20 Gallup poll found 2-to-1 support for higher taxes on those making more than $ 200,000 a year to pay for his proposed jobs bill .


  29. A recent Gallup poll shows that big business came in last , in terms of the quality of the products , among all the enterprises which sell household appliances in Shanghai .


  30. At . the start of 1998 Bill Clinton 's job-approval rating stood at 59 % , according to the Gallup poll .
