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  1. Supply will not be a deciding factor , but on balance it should be a price support , said William Tankard , senior mining analyst at GFMS , the precious metals consultancy .


  2. GFMS said the gold market stood at a crossroads .


  3. GFMS described the flow as the largest movement of gold , by value , in history .


  4. GFMS said the switch took place in the second quarter and would continue in the second half .


  5. GFMS is a Gate and Function Block of mixed-level simulation system , which is designed for experiment of Digital Logical .


  6. In its report , GFMS said that there had been a major move into the silver market by a number of hedge funds .


  7. Central banks are set to become net buyers of gold this year for the first time since 1998 , according to GFMS , the metals consultancy .


  8. Chinese jewellery and investment demand were down 1 and 2 per cent respectively last year , while Indian net imports fell by about a third , GFMS said .


  9. Philip Klapwijk , executive chairman of GFMS , a precious metals consultancy , says : " there has been a move to silver and non - precious metals . "


  10. GFMS , the consultancy that compiles benchmark statistics for gold , said that central banks would buy about 15 tonnes of bullion on a net basis this year , a situation last seen in 1988 .


  11. Growth in jewellery demand has been over 13 per cent year on year , a very positive number especially compared to the rest of the world , said Cameron Alexander , senior analyst at GFMS , the consultancy .


  12. GFMS , the London-based precious metals consultancy , said recently that Chinese investors , who are building wealth at an unprecedented rate , were diversifying their assets into gold to " protect themselves against inflation " .


  13. On the supply side , gold miners have pumped out more bullion for the past three years , including a 3 % gain in 2011 , to hit an all-time production high for two years running , according to GFMS .


  14. As emerging market countries buy gold and officials in Europe halt sales of bullion , central banks are set to become net buyers of gold this year for the first time since 1988 , according to GFMS , a consultancy .


  15. Bullion demand in the country has risen from about 250 tonnes in 2006 to almost 800 tonnes , according to the WGC data , which is produced by Thomson Reuters GFMS , a consultancy .


  16. But William Tankard , a senior metals analyst at GFMS , the London-based consultancy , estimates that western companies make up just 10 tonnes of China 's total gold output of close to 300 tonnes a year .


  17. Philip Klapwijk , executive chairman of GFMS , the consultancy that produces the statistics on gold supply and demand , said it would be " a close call " which of China and India was the largest buyer this year .


  18. In the second half of the year , as Indian demand waned , China edged ahead as the world 's top consumer , according to data from GFMS , the consultancy , that were published by the WGC on Thursday .


  19. Philip Newman , research director at GFMS , a London-based gold consultancy , says that , while the impact of gold-rush parties is hard to quantify , selling back by individuals has been quite tremendous over the past two to three years .


  20. The silver market is likely to continue its spectacular ascent and touch a record high above $ 50 a troy ounce this year but could then crash back to earth , according to new forecasts from GFMS , a leading precious metals consultancy .


  21. Mr Klapwijk , of GFMS , says : " if we use usual metrics to look at the gold market and we look at the scale of investor buying relative to the bread-and-butter demand from jewellery , we can see a market that is at some extremes . "


  22. In 1993 , gold imports to Japan totaled more than 160 metric tons , including heavy buying of coins and jewelry , but a decade later imports had fallen to about 55 tons , according to data from gold dealer Tanaka and precious-metals consultancy Thomson Reuters GFMS .
