Futures Accounting

Futures AccountingFutures Accounting
  1. The text mainly studies futures accounting in its narrow sense , that means enterprise accounting which deals with futures .


  2. Based on a comparative study of China 's futures accounting standard and the accounting standard practised in the American futures market , the article points to reconsideration of futures transaction accounting .


  3. In this thesis , we apply the financial accounting theory and risk management theory to the research on stock index futures accounting information disclosure , on the basis of the previous research about stock index futures accounting .


  4. In developed countries futures accounting trends to combine with derivatives financial instruments accounting . According to the reality of futures market and the development of other derivatives financial instruments in China , the text advocates to combine futures accounting with financial instruments accounting .


  5. The problems of stock index futures exchange accounting process


  6. This thesis will preliminary discusses the futures contract accounting from the viewpoint of the enterprises participating in futures trade , and discuss relevant accounting problems on goods futures emphatically .


  7. The Research on Futures and Futures Accounting


  8. Therefore , to enhance and optimize the stock index futures trading management is critical important for investment enterprise . Needless to say , a practical and deliberate stock index futures accounting principle is the fundament of the management .


  9. With the development of futures market in china , more and more enterprises participate in forward exchange , correspondingly , our government strengthened regulatory system on futures market , and accounting supervisal plays more and more important role on the regulation of futures market .
