Final Solution

美 [ˈfaɪnl səˈluːʃn]英 [ˈfaɪnl səˈluːʃn]
  • 最终解决方案;“最后解决”方案(指纳粹对欧洲犹太人的大屠杀方案)
Final SolutionFinal Solution
  1. Manipulating large amounts of data , ensuring that good performance is achieved , and that the final solution performs as required .


  2. He says this has temporarily satisfied a few users who needed clustering immediately until the final solution is in place .


  3. The full and final solution can only be found by themselves .


  4. Chapter 2 introduces the ideas of the design , the design process and final solution .


  5. The final solution of environmental problems was depended on the green innovations .


  6. It provide a reliable basis for the final solution of reclosing .


  7. Finally this thesis summarized the problems , analysis process and final solution in the process of testing and development .


  8. The final solution to settle legal problems is to make out the freight forwarding law .


  9. The air saturator directly affects the dissolved gas efficiency and final solution air volume .


  10. Concerning the executive ability enhancing issue , the final solution is to construct the executive system .


  11. The problem of the governmental size is an ancient thesis and yet there 's no final solution .


  12. However , in today 's world of growing and complex Web sites , that is not the final solution .


  13. This method used parts of the boundary condition alternatively to obtain the final solution satisfying the real boundary condition .


  14. Thus that laid a sound foundation for the final solution of German problem aiming to the national unity .


  15. Bessel functions , this result may put a way to the final solution of the propagation of the shock waves .


  16. The algorithm acquired the Earliest Completion Time ( ECT ) solution firstly to ensure the feasibility of final solution .


  17. Concerning both the final solution quality and the time cost , NEH heuristic has been the best algorithm for decades .


  18. The final solution containing arsenic was treated by adding lime and ferric salt , and waste water reached discharge standard .


  19. The orthopositronium lifetime puzzle and its final solution


  20. Comparing the degree-constrained multicast trees produced in different iteration , the smallest one is the final solution gained by this algorithm .


  21. This paper introduces a fibre tension control method based on an example , and analyses emphatically its technical requirement and the problem and provides the final solution .


  22. A problem can be devided into specific and orderly tasks , whose final solution can be achieved by competing a specific task .


  23. After systemic compare of the control strategy for current compensation , the method of hysteresis compare is used as the final solution to track harmonics .


  24. A final solution of agrarian problems in China lies not so much in reduction of expenditure of the peasants but in increasing their income .


  25. The paper presents a final solution for the independence of the axiomatic system of the vector space , and so is of some basic significance in theory .


  26. On the analysis of the domestic and foreign research status and the research content , and introduced the embedded system processor and embedded operating system selection basis and final solution .


  27. BP also said the cap could remain in place until the completion of the relief well – the final solution – which is expected by mid-August .


  28. In Construction , we pick use case flows based on their ability to maximize the value in the final solution set delivered to the customer at the end of Construction .


  29. As to the water-using network with internal water mains , the design methodology is based on algorithmic rules and cannot guarantee the optimum of the final solution .


  30. Both of them are growing . From the long run , moderate way will be the final solution , but now it is not as attractive as extreme way .
