Exploiting class

美 [ɪkˈsplɔɪtɪŋ klæs]英 [ɪkˈsplɔɪtɪŋ klɑːs]
  • 剥削阶级
Exploiting classExploiting class
  1. To this theory Marxism and exploiting class make a systematic study .


  2. In a society of classes , culture is divided into exploiting class ' and labor force 's.


  3. A government of and by and for the exploiting class cannot possibly survive .


  4. Achievement of common prosperity characterizes socialism , which cannot produce an exploiting class .


  5. The thought of western rule of virtue serves exploiting class , it has it 's class limitation .


  6. Before the exploiting class was wiped out , never put the main class contradiction as the social main contradiction ;


  7. Exploiting class always looks the public power as a represent of all the people and it is an eternal right .


  8. This subject study is expected to provide vivid case , new thoughts and strategies for regional exploiting class teachers ' training course and developing related work .


  9. Marx gives the deepest sympathy and moral support to the vast majority of the ruled class in the country of the exploiting class .


  10. The main reason for the disappearing of charity is that the new government thought of it as a tool for the exploiting class to cheat the people .


  11. Though it was set to protect the interests of the exploiting class , it placed an important role in maintaining the social order and stabilizing the political situation in Wei .


  12. The corrupt practices arise mostly from those including the impact of decadent thought of exploiting class , negative effect of market economy , shortcomings of system and improper punishment .


  13. Actually , Confucius ' ideology covered up the veil of emotional relationship of family and patriarchal clan system for the exploiting class , and maintained and consolidated the feudal exploiting class .


  14. In their view , the rich peasants were members of the exploiting class and the bourgeoisie in rural areas , so why should they receive the same share of land as the poor peasants ?


  15. An average economic level of Chinese was also higher than that of natives , and in the eyes of natives , Chinese belonged to the exploiting class , and brought some natives ' grudge .


  16. We can very well understand the working people 's disgust and hatred for exploiting class ; the miserable missing for lovers and the exciting for meeting ; wives'sadness for leaving their husbands .


  17. Just as Lenin said , It is impossible to bury the decadent thoughts of exploiting class with them , they would spread in human society and profane the spirit and even do a great harm to human society .


  18. A Marxist political party , is inevitably different from all the exploiting class parties concerning the inner-party relationship , because it is a party with the scientific socialism theory as its guidance and devote itself to the liberation of the working class and all the mankind .


  19. This could prevent you from exploiting " service class mapping " within an application .


  20. The existence of the influence of exploiting system and class is the fundamental cause for corruption .


  21. Without political powers , the rich class at that time had to rely on economic measures to keep exploiting the poor class . They mainly used tenancy contract to fulfill their aims , which made the tenancy contract become very prevailing in the Song Dynasty .


  22. With slavery , which attained its fullest development under civilization , came the first great cleavage of society into an exploiting and an exploited class .
