Eric Abidal

  • 网络阿比达尔;埃里克·阿比达尔;埃里克.阿比达尔;艾比度;埃里克-阿比达尔
Eric AbidalEric Abidal
  1. But in a gesture symbolizing Barcelona 's team ethic , Puyol handed the armband over to Eric Abidal .


  2. Juventus are stepping up their interest in Olympique Lyon pair Eric Abidal and Hatem Ben arfa .


  3. Eric Abidal , Barcellona and national French team defender was diagnosed with the liver tumor and will be operated today .


  4. If the World Cup winner is absent , then Guardiola is likely to use Eric Abidal in a central position , as he has done in recent La Liga games .
