Enterobacter aerogenes

  • 网络产气肠杆菌;肠杆菌;产气杆菌;产气肠细菌
Enterobacter aerogenesEnterobacter aerogenes
  1. Studies on Genetic Recombination to Enhance Hydrogen Production of Enterobacter Aerogenes


  2. And hydrogen production by Enterobacter aerogenes and mixed bacteria from different sugars was also investigated .


  3. Screening of hydrogen-producing aciduric Enterobacter aerogenes strain using He-Ne laser irradiation


  4. The Studies of the Factors Affecting the Conversion Rate of 5-FUR by Enterobacter Aerogenes EAM-Z1


  5. Poor prognosis in that nosocomial infection with enterobacter aerogenes was responsible for the death of 7 patients among 24 of the 66 who died ;


  6. Then , hydrodynamic cavitation is used to the degradation of organic wastewaters containing rhodamine B , and sterilization of biologic wastewaters containing enterobacter aerogenes .


  7. Characteristic Analysis of Cooperation Hydrogen Production Using Rhodopseudomonas sp. DT and Enterobacter Aerogenes This method is effective to the facultative anaerobic bacteria or aerobic bacteria with hydrogenase .


  8. Aim : To evaluate the factors affecting the conversion rate of 5-fluorouridine ( 5-FUR ) in Enterobacter aerogenes , and provide instructions to the laboratory research and the industrial production .


  9. Enterobacter aerogenes was irradiated by He-Ne laser to optimize the laser mutagenesis condition , and to test the heredity , aciduric and hydrogen-producing potential of the mutant .


  10. Proteus vulgaris MIC 0.25 % , MBC 0.5 % ; Enterobacter aerogenes MIC 0.0625 % , MBC 0.125 % ;


  11. The PCR products were then carried out SSCP analysis . The experimental results showed that there seemed to be no detectable differences in the size and single strand conformation of 4 . 5S RNA genes from above strains , except the negative strand conformation of Enterobacter aerogenes .


  12. The genomic DNAs of Escherichia coli , Bacillus subtilis , Micrococcus tetragenus , Proteus vulgaris and Enterobacter aerogenes were analyzed by rep-PCR with BOX primers , and the CK experiment was carried out by adding plant genomic DNAs into the bacteria genomic DNAs .


  13. The detection rate of Pseudomonas aeruginosa was 36.69 % , Klebsiella pneumonia , 17.27 % , Enterobacter cloacae , 10.07 % , Enterobacter aerogenes , 8.63 % , baumanii , 5.76 % , Escherichia coli , 5.76 % .
