
美 [ɛnˈsɛlədəs]英 [enˈselədəs]
  • n.土卫二(土星的第六大卫星);(希神)恩克拉多斯(反叛众神的巨人)
  1. and after a couple years looked back after it flew by Enceladus and surprised us all .


  2. Enceladus is blasting sheets of water out into the solar system and sloshing back down onto the moon .


  3. Carolyn Porco mentioned another one called Enceladus the other day .


  4. Pictured above , a high resolution image of Enceladus is shown from a close flyby .


  5. But Enceladus also has geysers that frequently vent water vapor and tiny ice grains into space .


  6. saw plumes of water spraying from the cracks in the southern hemisphere , just exactly like Enceladus .


  7. Each grain that hits Enceladus generates multiple replacement particles , so the E ring could be self-sustaining .


  8. Even more mysteries surround the impressive fountains of Enceladus ,


  9. Enceladus continues to exhale water ice into Saturn orbit , keeping the E ring topped off with tiny particles .


  10. They concluded there could still be a deep ocean on Enceladus , but that there are also other possible explanations for the moon 's jets .


  11. Enceladus and Europa , for instance , are two icebound moons in the local solar system with surface temperatures hundreds of degrees below zero .


  12. While it studied the planet , Cassini explored moons - Titan and Enceladus - that could be home to extraterrestrial life .


  13. Why Enceladus is active remains a mystery , as the neighboring moon Mimas , approximately the same size , appears quite dead .


  14. NASA believes the environment around a deep-sea volcano off the coast of Hawaii is similar to that of Saturn 's moon , Enceladus .


  15. Conversely however , recent Earth-based observations of ice ejected by Enceladus into Saturn 's E-Ring showed no evidence of the expected sodium .


  16. Enceladus , another of Saturn 's many moons , has the astronomy world abuzz with its potential to hold water , unlike its hydrocarbon-rich sister .


  17. The inner moons are largely devoid of such coloration , thanks to a fresh coat of icy material that spews out from the moon Enceladus .


  18. Enceladus ' ocean , according to researchers , is likely much closer to the surface , particularly in the southern polar regions where the icy crust might be only a few kilometers thick .


  19. Using gravity data from the Cassini probe , researchers at the Royal Observatory of Belgium say Dione joins Titan and Enceladus as Saturn moons likely having subsurface oceans .


  20. The spacecraft has already revolutionized our knowledge of the ringed planet and its moons . Cassini discovered spewing water-ice geysers on the moon Enceladus .


  21. Unlike Enceladus , which has geysers of water that spurt from the southern polar region , Dione appears " quiet " now , but researchers say it likely had a more active past .


  22. The plumes of gas and ice shooting from the south pole of the Saturnian moon Enceladus contain sodium salts , which is the best evidence so far that the satellite harbors a liquid water ocean .


  23. The subsurface lake on the moon Enceladus was revealed by gravity measurements made by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration 's Cassini probe , which has been traveling among Saturn 's moons for the past decade .


  24. One way Enceladus ' ocean was discovered was by observing " large back-and-forth oscillations , called libration . " If the libration was smaller on the moon , it would likely mean the crust was thicker .


  25. In order of how much water they have , from the least to the most , they are : Enceladus , Dione , Earth , Europa , Pluto , Triton , Callisto , Titan , and Ganymede .
