Employment contradiction

Employment contradictionEmployment contradiction
  1. Only by solving the structural contradiction could we improve the quality of economic growth , solve the employment contradiction entirely and realize economic sustainable development .


  2. Meanwhile , China 's new is replacing the old one , the total Employment contradiction and structure contradiction interweave together , It Will cause greater impact to the labour market of Hebei .


  3. Now , under the circumstances of increasing employment contradiction and the great working pressure of residents , the tax policy of our country should consciously encourage the residents to consume some surplus money .


  4. Employment is embodying deeper contradiction & structural imbalance at new situation .


  5. The employment of college graduates is in high employment pressure and structural contradiction existing is the current outstanding problems at present . But influenced by the level of economic development , geographical factors , college graduates ' employment status of different regional provinces showing its own characteristics .


  6. Establishing informal employment strategy and taking proper measures is one of the important ways to solve employment contradiction .


  7. At present , the employment status was very bad in China , although the state has adopted a series of positive employment measures , and obtained very successful results , the employment contradiction yet is very prominent .


  8. The employment of Chongqing is special : As a big city is also a big rural , binary structure is obvious , and there is the overlay of northeast phenomenon and west phenomenon , employment contradiction is stressed .
