Embedded Value

美 [ɪmˈbedɪd ˈvæljuː]英 [ɪmˈbedɪd ˈvæljuː]
  • 网络内含价值;内在价值;内涵价值
Embedded ValueEmbedded Value
  1. The study object of this thesis is Embedded Value .


  2. Chapter 4 contains the introduction and application of embedded value theory .


  3. Research on the Performance Evaluation of Listing Insurance Companies of China Based on Embedded Value


  4. The study object of this thesis is Embedded Value ( EV ) .


  5. Misunderstanding and its Correction of Using Embedded Value to Evaluate Life Insurers


  6. Study on Sensitivity of Actuarial Assumptions in Evaluating Embedded Value of Life Insurance Company


  7. In recent years , it 's becoming an important topic to value the life company by embedded value .


  8. The embedded value is a proper noun in the domain of underwriting .


  9. This paper tries to analysis the accounting postulates in order to simplify the conception of the embedded value .


  10. The mar - ket-consistent valuation method is an extension of the traditional embedded value method .


  11. Chapter 2 is literature review and summarization on the embedded value theory and performance evaluation method , including both domestic and foreign scholars .


  12. It will also be paying about 1.5-1.7 times embedded value , when European insurers typically hover about one times .


  13. Endoscopic Microwave Treatment of the Joint Drug Machine in Front of Ben Gastrolith of Embedded Value of Dayton


  14. Finally , the author presents some preliminary discussions on the specific assumption of the health insurance company valuation which has used the method of embedded value .


  15. Bankers believe AIA has an embedded value of $ 20bn and that selling a substantial minority should yield several billion dollars .


  16. We should carefully study this method and actively promote the construction of a market - consistent embedded value appraisal system suitable to the actual situation of the insurance industry in our country .


  17. The valuation gap is the main headwind : the UK insurer trades at around 1 times its embedded value ; AIA trades at 1.7 times .


  18. The embedded value is being accepted gradually . However , it 's intricate to handle the embedded value by its complexity , which has caused the difficulty to understand and use this conception .


  19. Embedded Value is the sum of the value of in-force business and the adjusted net worth of life insurance company , which is a special financial reporting and value measuring tool in life insurance company .


  20. Embedded value is the major method used by life insurers to appraise their values in recent years . Generally speaking , the appraisal value of a life insurer is its embedded value plus value of new business .


  21. Through a detailed comparison of each evaluated methods , the author believes that the method of embedded value can successed solve the difficulty of the evaluation of health insurance , with the setting of some specific parameters . So this method becomes the preferred method of the evaluation .


  22. The second chapter analyzes the structure of the Local Industrial Cluster and the pattern of the embedded Global Value Chain , analyzes the different embedding patterns within the kinds of industrial cluster and the local textile industrial cluster .


  23. The core of the spreading development pattern , embedded in global value chains , is the implementation of effective reverse integration .


  24. With the development of globalization , local industrial networks characterized by geographical agglomeration of economic activities are being embedded in global value chain .


  25. As a manufacturing power in the world , our Chinese enterprises have also embedded into global value chain with initiative or passivity in the system of labor division .


  26. At the same time many domestic enterprises are embedded the global value chain leads by multinational corporations , which leads them loss the power of further rise in the GVC .


  27. Upgrading of the enterprises who embedded the global value chain by low-end depends not only on their willingness and ability , to a great extent , subject to its position in the value chain governance mode .


  28. Finally , according to the human eye sensitivity to the type of R , G , B three color components , the watermark information is embedded proportionally singular value matrix of the three components , improve the imperceptibility of the algorithm .


  29. The information of watermarking were embedded in the largest value of the amplitude by sorted .


  30. At the same time , enterprises in Zhejiang are divided into four types which were embedded in two different value chain .
