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  • abbr.终端用户计算(End User Computing);终端用户证书(End-User Certificate);扩大型多用户计算机操作系统编码(Extended UNIX Code)
  1. Theoretical study on electronic state structure and stability of EuC molecule


  2. A method of increasing energy utilization coefficient ( EUC ) in recording three-slit rainbow holograms is presented .


  3. The EUC is raised by following way : the first-stephologram ( H1 ) is reconstructed by three parallel linear beams instead of parallel light .


  4. For example , an Extended UNIX Code ( EUC ) code page can contain up to four different code pages , where the first code page is always single-byte .


  5. β - Eucryptite ( Euc ) particles reinforced copper matrix composites , with the different volume fraction , were fabricated by vacuum heating-press sintering .


  6. The annual change of EUC is very obvious too , and particularly in the period of El Nino event occurs , the EUC appears obvious strengthening phenomenon .


  7. During the 1986 ~ 1987 EI Nino event , the equatorial kelvin wave current model played the main role , EUC was strengthened . During the twice EI Nino events ;


  8. The vertical depth of EUC is from the sea surface to 300-400 meters . The mean biggest velocity of EUC can reach to 100cm / s along the equator .


  9. Current observation data by Japanese research vessels between 8 ° N and 1 ° S along the section of 137 ° E in months of January from 1968-1984 were used to examine the variability of Equatorial Undercurrent ( EUC ) in this area .


  10. In the presence of the upwelling , the EUC meanders along the zonal direction , with its core diving down to 300m depth at the west side of the upwelling and rising up to 100m depth at the east side .
