Dominant ideology

美 [ˈdɑːmɪnənt ˌaɪdiˈɑːlədʒi]英 [ˈdɒmɪnənt ˌaɪdiˈɒlədʒi]
  • 网络主导思想
Dominant ideologyDominant ideology
  1. In the art world after the 1960s , Postmodernism becomes the dominant ideology .


  2. The dominant ideology and some images are repeated many times to help the construct of the theme .


  3. Reasonable Transform of Dominant Ideology of Students ' Work


  4. Perfecting the Dominant Ideology and Constructing Harmonious Socialist Society


  5. The traditional Confucian culture as the dominant ideology in ancient China is a patriarchy-dominated cultural model .


  6. Dominant Ideology of British Labour Party


  7. Hollywood genre movies tends to promote the American dominant ideology and cultural hegemony .


  8. But under the glittering world is hidden the dominant ideology of bourgeoisie .


  9. Expression of the Dominant Ideology is facing severe dilemmas in Chinese Film under the Circumstance of Market Competition .


  10. Since it was proposed , it had been much attention and was considered to be the future dominant ideology of software design .


  11. In essence , news is the representation discourse of reality , framed by the dominant ideology .


  12. That put the idea of using material incentives to muster enthusiasm among individual workers in direct conflict with dominant ideology .


  13. To promote and propagate the dominant ideology , socialism , should be the basic function of the contemporary theoretical and political education .


  14. The translator has to consider whether the dominant ideology in the original work conforms to the dominant one in the target culture .


  15. However , translators could resist the dominant ideology and dominant poetics to express their individual ideologies and poetics .


  16. Therefore Sunan community government and business operators innovated in property – right system with the limits of dominant ideology and Wu culture .


  17. By the influence of the business culture , dominant ideology and the cyberculture , these two kinds of youth culture can mutually transform .


  18. The current dominant ideology is that the contradiction is looked at from the standpoint of realistic utility rather than maintaining social justice .


  19. In contemporary China , Socialist Core Value System is the dominant ideology which is the spiritual bond that gathers social consensus and maintain social solidarity .


  20. Yielding to the dominant ideology , Wang uses the strategy of domestication , which makes his translation more readable and acceptable .


  21. The dominant ideology is both soul Crispin teaching in primary school , while more clearly the direction of the primary school education Crispin .


  22. Research indicates that contemporary Chinese dominant ideology transforms in dynamic operation from closed to open situation , from single to composite direction , which embodies structure innovation of China .


  23. Along with the faith of Heaven and earth ancestors , the concept of heaven had been the dominant ideology of the political and ideological field .


  24. Since its deviation from the dominant ideology , there is no more ultimate standard and fixed mode in dealing with the individualized problem concerning personal emotions .


  25. Therefore , if we want to study the dominant ideology more deeply , we must choose a proper perspective to grasp the ideological development and evolution of its intrinsic quality .


  26. With the development of reform and opening up , the marriage contract theory of the gradual rise , but have not yet become the dominant ideology theory , the Marriage Law .


  27. It just is the theory of Austin that positivist jurisprudence becomes the dominant ideology in the History of Western Legal Philosophy for more than a hundred years .


  28. The movie , as a carrier of the dominant ideology , supports and contributes to the social value and concepts which are shared by every member of the society .


  29. It was because of his criticism of the neo-confucianism in punchy hit the neo-confucianism in the Ming dynasty exclusive dominant ideology .


  30. Outline the design of the system to Jsp + Servlet + JavaBean design patterns for the dominant ideology , system architecture design , and details the role and benefits of various levels .
