Doctor of Philosophy

美 [ˈdɑːktər əv fəˈlɑːsəfi]英 [ˈdɒktə(r) ɒv fəˈlɒsəfi]
  • n.(哲学)博士

复数: Doctors of Philosophy

Doctor of PhilosophyDoctor of Philosophy

Doctor of Philosophy


  • 1
    N-COUNT (哲学)博士
    A Doctor of Philosophy is someone who has a PhD .

  1. He is a doctor of philosophy .


  2. The degree of doctor of philosophy is awarded to him .


  3. A Follow-up Talk about Doctor of Philosophy and Others


  4. She is a doctor of philosophy in physics .


  5. After another two or three years of study , they may get a still higher degree as doctor of philosophy .


  6. Wang is a doctor of Philosophy in physics .


  7. The Doctor of Philosophy is the highest degree in the area of the sciences and humanities .


  8. In the U.S.a Ph.D ( Doctor of Philosophy ) is designed to prepare a student to be an independent researcher or college teacher .


  9. However , the biggest difference compared with Doctor of philosophy programs is that it is the practice-oriented degree programs . In the program it contains a certain element of learning .


  10. Doctor of Philosophy ( PhD ): an advanced research degree , generally with requirements including previous Honors or Master degree , qualifying examinations , and preparation and defense of a dissertation .


  11. It is common for scholars to be a blue collar in overseas . I used to see India 's doctor of philosophy being a taxi driver , an Eastern Europe 's musician doing the repair , Chinese computer engineer working as the meat producer .
