Division of history

美 [dɪˈvɪʒn əv ˈhɪstri]英 [dɪˈvɪʒn ɒv ˈhɪstri]
  • 网络历史分期
Division of historyDivision of history
  1. My View on the Division of History of Literature


  2. Standards and the division of history based on the intrinsic value of human capacity expansion reflects the level and effectiveness .


  3. The Question of A Division of History into Periods in The Study of Dunhuang and Turfan Textual Research


  4. On the Division of the History of the Old Chinese


  5. Division of the History of Literature and Changes of Literary Views


  6. Study of the Historical Division of Bohai History


  7. Pondering over the stage division of cuisine history in China


  8. Discussion on the Division of the History of ASEAN


  9. The Level 's Division of The History of Science and It 's Significance on Historiography


  10. A Exploration on the Division of Chinese History and Social Formation from Qin to Qing Dynasty


  11. The project of division of the history of the Xia , Shang and Zhou Dynasties focuses on chronological problems .


  12. In according to the condition of the nature of the agricultural productivity and the division of agricultural history , agriculture is the latest stage of development .


  13. Part 1 mainly examines the origin and development of the thought of global citizenship education . The characteristics of the thought in different stages are analyzed according to the three-stage division of the history : pre-modern times , modern times and post-modern times .


  14. Cuisine history is grouped in the technology system of food culture , therefore , the stage division of cuisine history should be based on the characteristics of technology system , e. i. the stages of cuisine history might be divided as fire roasting , water preparation and oil process .


  15. On Technology and Division of Technology in History


  16. Historical Period and the Basis of Historical Division of World Advertising History


  17. A New Inquiry into the Periodical Division of Western Ethics History


  18. Period Division of the CCP History and the Mark of Entering into the New Historical Period


  19. The periodical division of western ethics history should follow not the criterion of politics but that of culture , and speaking further , follow herein the criterion of philosophy instead of that of science , or of art , or of any other subject .


  20. The particularity of fiction style and the division of periods in fiction history


  21. A Summary of the Study on the First Great Social Division of Labor in the History Field of our Country for Recent Fifty years


  22. The basis of historical division and the division of the history are the key issues inevitably involved in any kind of historical research , and they are also one of the most important core issues in the study of advertising history .


  23. The division of Chinese literature into ancient times , middle ages and then modern times is due to the intermediary influence of Meiji academia in Japan which adopted the criteria of division of Western history .
