Disposable goods

美 [dɪˈspoʊzəbl ɡʊdz]英 [dɪˈspəʊzəbl ɡʊdz]
  • 一次性用品;一次性消费品
Disposable goodsDisposable goods
  1. They were treated like disposable goods , used and got rid of .


  2. Conclusion The link quality control over disposable goods in the sick wards is scientific and systematic and effective .


  3. My aged great-aunt is not used to the disposable goods which flood the market today .


  4. Take your own cup or chopsticks with you and no use of disposable goods or bottle water .


  5. In this way , the hotel can make up the cost of other disposable goods and improve service facility and quality as well .


  6. Many immigrants in Salt Lake City were angered by the arrests and said they felt as if they were being treated like disposable goods .


  7. Stapled or " stitched-nailed " crates or cartons should not be used except for disposable goods .


  8. Last but not least , we can reduce the use of paper , such as avoid using disposable paper goods .
