
  • n.迪亚斯(品牌);二叠纪
  1. The DIAS model of rock complex resistivity and its parameter inversion method


  2. The design and implementation for prototype of the model server with RTI and DIAS are introduced .


  3. Conclusion DIAS ( parent ) have higher reliability and validity , but it need to be further improved .


  4. The respect of privacy is a key aspect of the luxury business , says George-Edouard Dias ,


  5. Objective To explore the reliability and validity of Direct and Indirect Aggression Scale ( DIAS ) and its value of use in China .


  6. That could be because the clients like the display , or because they are lost and confused , says Mr Dias .


  7. The research results prove that Dias model is superior to traditional Cole model when concerning of the processing and interpretation of rock complex resistivity data .


  8. DIAS system can provide good technical supports to the design and improvement of man-machine interfaces of the main control room of a ( nuclear ) power plant .


  9. Yusufiy was joined on the channel by her Brazilian fiance , Marcio Dias .


  10. The paper depicts a software assessment system , Dynamic Interaction Analysis Support ( DIAS ), based on computer simulation technology for man-machine interfaces ( MMI ) of a control room .


  11. It has been understood that Cardinal Dias is in union with the Holy Father regarding Naju .


  12. Dias Kadyrbayev , in the middle of this photo , and Azamat Tazhayakov to his left .


  13. Doctor David Dias , of the Barranquilla Pediatric Hospital , said more examinations need to be carried out to discover why the child has become so large .


  14. The ability to remember the experience of various wines is crucial , Anthony Dias Blue , wine editor of Bon Appetit magazine told New Scientist .


  15. Based on the extraction of parameters for Dias model and the uncertain evaluation of inversed solution , one kind of simulated minimum anneal damping quadratic involution inversion method has been established .


  16. Luciano Dias of the Brazilian Institute of Political Studies sees in this the start of a durable centre-left alliance that could realign the country 's politics .


  17. 1488 – Bartolomeu Dias of Portugal lands in Mossel Bay after rounding the Cape of Good Hope , becoming the first known European to travel so far south .


  18. In early upper Dias , a big northeast & southwest meandering river was formed , which takes the Dachang layer as the basal in the intermont basin in Dachang .


  19. Officials also said that Silveira discussed with Angolan Prime Minister Fernando DIAS DOS santos , the possibility of setting up air and sea links between their countries , among other matters .


  20. I had an idea of having Char and Rick Dias on the front cover of Times Magazine so it would look like real reports , but changed it to a hobby magazine cover afterward .


  21. Tiago Manuel Dias Correia , Manchester United 's latest signing , is the son of Cape Verdean parents , like his fellow Portuguese Nani .


  22. Angolan Minister of Health Dr Jos é Vieira Dias Van-D ú nem re-affirmed Angola 's strong commitment to stop polio transmission by end-2010 .


  23. Dias model is one among many models to describe the dispersion characteristics of rock complex resistivity . The parameters for Dias model are not many , and parameters with special physical meanings can be educed through the parameters for Dias .


  24. At the Olympic Aquatics Stadium , an official twice requested silence from the crowd before a 100-meter butterfly race that featured the Brazilians Daiene Dias and Daynara de Paula .


  25. The protean set , meanwhile , will feature giant chandeliers , a circular dias that juts out into the audience and20 moving screens that will coalesce at certain points to form a single image .


  26. Cronbach 's alpha was 0.905 for DIAS ( self - report ) , three subscale 's alpha coefficient ranged from 0.743 to 0.861 , criterion validity of boys and girls were 0.298 and 0.480 respectively .


  27. In this paper , according to the needs of formation damage protection for oil and gas , based on distributed Client / Server computer model , a distributed intelligent application system ( DIAS ) has heen developed . In this system , data and knowledge can be shared .
