Denis Villeneuve

  • 网络丹尼斯·维伦纽瓦;维伦纽夫;维伦纽瓦;丹尼斯·维勒弗;维勒纳夫
Denis VilleneuveDenis Villeneuve
  1. Incendies is a2010 Canadian film directed by Denis Villeneuve .


  2. And it 's directed by rising visionary Denis Villeneuve , who dazzled many with his alien first-contact drama Arrival , a film of stunning narrative depth and visual acuity that may have also gone over Academy Awards voters " heads .


  3. Now Denis Villeneuve is having a turn at adapting Frank Herbert 's interstellar novel , and , judging by the two atmospheric science-fiction dramas he has already directed , Arrival and Blade Runner 2049 , he should make a better job of it .


  4. Now Denis Villeneuve has made his version of Frank Herbert 's epic interstellar novel , and , judging by Villeneuve 's last two science-fiction dramas , Arrival and Blade Runner 2049 , his Dune should be a lot more successful than Lynch 's.


  5. Which is bad news for some of the most prominent English-language titles competing for the Palme this month , including Gus Van Sant 's The Sea of Trees , Denis Villeneuve 's Sicario , Todd Haynes ' Carol and Justin Kurzel 's Macbeth .
