
  • n.达克斯
  1. Effect of body fat on the results of bone mineral density examination and osteoporosis diagnosis by DAX


  2. Germany 's DAX added 2.4 percent and France 's CAC 40 surged 2.1 percent .


  3. All that may explain the muted reaction of the Dax , German government bonds and euro / dollar rate .


  4. Not a single one on France 's CAC 40 share index or on Germany 's DAX index is run by a woman .


  5. The DAX index of German shares has fallen by around a third since May , significantly underperforming the S & P 500 .


  6. Still , following Deutsche Telekom 's example , all 30 companies in the DAX index recently agreed to set themselves similar goals .


  7. The FTSE is down 14 per cent this year , while Germany 's Dax has fallen more than 18 per cent .


  8. The Dax has climbed 24 per cent this year , and excluding dividends has outperformed other eurozone markets .


  9. Currently , the information offered and the stock-based compensation plans used by the 30 DAX companies cannot be described as appropriate and sufficient for investors .


  10. Elsewhere on the European markets Thursday , strong third quarter results by Deutsche Bank , Germany 's largest bank , boosted the Dax index .


  11. The company also has two bars , Nikai in Toronto and the posh Booker and DAX in New York .


  12. Dax attempts to defend them against a charge of cowardice in a court-martial .


  13. The story line involves the hapless amateur coach Dax , who has his team usurped by a childhood rival .


  14. Can you recall what was the all time high and52-week high low for the S & P500 and the DAX of Germany ?


  15. While the Nikkei was trebling , the Dax rose by a cumulative 50 per cent – less than most major markets .


  16. London 's Financial Times index was up two-and-a-quarter percent , the CAC 40 in Paris gained three percent , and the DAX in Frankfurt advanced 2.4 percent .


  17. This leakage has allowed Sony to grab hold of DAX 's power brew and use it to bolster every single official system firmware they roll out for the PSP .


  18. Since his appointment was announced , Adidas shares have risen 18 per cent , beating the Dax , and the valuation gap with Nike has narrowed .


  19. London 's FTSE 100 index , the DAX in Frankfurt and the CAC 40 in Paris were all down more than five percent in afternoon trading .


  20. In its statement , the bank alleged that the losses had been built up over the past three months in S & P 500 , DAX and euro Stoxx index futures .


  21. M33 : The most difficult was to understand which patches were made by DAX in OE , actually that 's not very difficult if you know how the firmware works .


  22. They 're gonna say you 're too short . Too fat . Too skinny . Too ugly ( I 'm lookin at you , Dax ) .


  23. Early trading also surged in Europe . Britain 's FTSE 100 rose 1.8 percent , while Germany 's DAX 30 and Paris ' CAC 40 indexes both jumped 1.9 percent in morning deals .


  24. It is set during the third year of World War I. The film stars Kirk Douglas as Colonel Dax , the commanding officer of French soldiers who refused to continue a suicidal attack .


  25. The German xetra DAX has fallen about 23 per cent over the same timespan , while the S & P 500 and the Nikkei 225 average have slumped close to 28 per cent .


  26. Inert electrolyte solution is used as tracer , and Pulse-response experiments are performed on the fixed bed of 001 × 7 Ca2 + resin . Fitting method within time domain is suggested to determine the axial dispersion coefficient Dax of liquid fluid through fixed bed .
