Customized Marketing

美 [ˈkʌstəmaɪzd ˈmɑːrkɪtɪŋ]英 [ˈkʌstəmaɪzd ˈmɑːkɪtɪŋ]
  • 网络定制营销;定制市场营销;客户化营销;顾客化行销
Customized MarketingCustomized Marketing
  1. Customized Marketing Mode of Enterprises in Transport Market


  2. Research on the Mass Customized Marketing Pattern Based on the Core of Third-party E-commerce


  3. Customized Marketing : A New Concept for the 21st-Century Tourism


  4. The Research on Mass Customized Marketing


  5. Chapter 4 firstly , shows the complexity of sales logistics in mass customized marketing .


  6. Chapter 2 discuss the 4Ps tactics of mass customized marketing . Chapter .


  7. Customized Marketing Based on E-commerce


  8. On the Customized Marketing of Books


  9. SMEs can also innovate the marketing management mode through Direct Marketing , Integrated Marketing , Customized Marketing , Soft Marketing , etc.


  10. Art marketing is the joining together of the concept of marketing with art management so that customized marketing strategies may be devised for different needs .


  11. Experiments on a real-life dataset show that the k-centers algorithm can hold the characteristics of different kinds of customers , which provides great support for customized marketing .


  12. Scale development of extensive marketing traffic marketing is based on analysis of traffic patterns , broken down by the target user , provide customized marketing services for different user clustering , to meet the needs of the user traffic differentiation .


  13. With the development of social sciences and flourishing of economy , Market Demand will become more and more individual and different day by day , the mass customized marketing will become enterprises ' competition strategy to adapt the tendency in 21 century .


  14. The purpose of this article is to constructs mass customized marketing mode under the mass customized production theory according to the thought of mass customized marketing theory by Philip Kotler , and take the tourism as an example to make an empirical analysis .
