Cultural conservatism

美 [ˈkʌltʃərəl kənˈsɜːrvətɪzəm]英 [ˈkʌltʃərəl kənˈsɜːvətɪzəm]
  • 网络文化保守主义
Cultural conservatismCultural conservatism
  1. The Chinese Cultural Conservatism in 20 ~ ( th ) Century


  2. As a response , cultural conservatism has arisen in China .


  3. The first is the confusion between cultural conservatism and cultural freedom .


  4. We hope to find some inspiration through the study of cultural conservatism ideology .


  5. The New Changes in Cultural Conservatism at the Beginning of 21 ~ ( st ) Century


  6. On the Culture Network of the Cultural Conservatism of the May 4 ~ ( th ) Movement


  7. Reflections on Contemporary Cultural Conservatism in China


  8. The Contribution and Value of Aged Liang Qi-chao 's Cultural Conservatism


  9. The Balance and Selection of History & Pondering over the Cultural Conservatism in May 4th Period


  10. His speciality is that political conservatism and cultural conservatism is highly consistent .


  11. Cultural conservatism supports Confucius and approves his humanism and ethical value .


  12. The third chapter discusses the two aspects of influence of the colleges ' ideological and political education by Chinese modern cultural conservatism .


  13. About Cultural Conservatism from Visual Argle of Extreme Choice


  14. On the Historical Value and Practical Significance about the Reconciling Theory in the May 4 ~ ( th ) Cultural Conservatism


  15. Daniel Bell is a contemporary representative personage of critical sociology and cultural conservatism in America .


  16. However , the newly-arising cultural conservatism in recent years reveals prejudices against this contribution of Chen 's.


  17. With the consciousness of reflection , criticism and repair of the modernity , the British cultural conservatism came out .


  18. New conservatism , namely being cultural conservatism , is a kind important tidal current of idea and culture existing in Chinese Mainland 1990s .


  19. This article first criticizes the cultural conservatism and post modernism and emphasizes that science is a general factor in all cultures .


  20. Judging from the actual function , the significance , function and influence the cultural conservatism as social mental state is much greater than as an ideology .


  21. Shared xenophobia , reverence for a strong state , and cultural conservatism are indifferent to left-right divides .


  22. I simply analyze the difference of " conservatism " in the western and eastern circumstances , and then make an observation and study of the Chinese modern cultural conservatism .


  23. In chapter 1 , through the historical inspection on the Chinese near modern cultural conservatism ideological trend , the author summarizes the essence and characteristics of the Chinese near modern cultural conservatism .


  24. The Chinese cultural conservatism in 20th century has its own origin and variation , which is not only the continuation of the old times , but also the innovation of the new century .


  25. The Critical Review is the representative journal of the Cultural Conservatism in the1920s and the1930s.It is the concrete demonstration of the worldwide antimodernization ideas in China .


  26. As a member of jing-pie , his literary thoughts has the characteristics of Cultural Conservatism , which is embodied in the anxiety of modernity and the maintenance of chinese traditional culture .


  27. West the late clear center body with to discuss has new and the conservative dual nature , it both opens clue of the modern transformation , and holds beginning of a matter of the cultural conservatism .


  28. Different opinions on modernity , and the approaches to it break modern intellectuals up to three camps including liberalism , Marxism , and cultural conservatism , resulting in the existence of different attitudes towards Confucius .


  29. There lies many opinions , which the author is strongly against , those ideas are the following : obvious historical nihilism , cultural conservatism , liberalism , non-rationalism and some ideas with a religion color .


  30. Zhang Wei stick to Cultural Conservatism position , Ideological and understanding one-sided . He neither absorb the essence of traditional culture , nor actively accept modern Western civilization . He takes the traditional and the modern binary oppositions .
