Creation operator

美 [kriˈeɪʃn ˈɑːpəreɪtər]英 [kriˈeɪʃn ˈɒpəreɪtə(r)]
  • 网络产生算符;创生算符;生成运算子
Creation operatorCreation operator
  1. Then , the creation operator and annihilation operator similar to those in the quantum field theory are used to describe the state of turbulent eddy field .


  2. Therefore interaction Hamitonian of the single mode light field with the medium is proportional to the fourth power of the annihilation operator plus creation operator .


  3. The field energy , the field momentum and the charge have been given in terms of the creation operator and the annihilation operator .


  4. A transference operator is designed to speed up the dissemination of good individuals and an individual creation operator is devised to increase the diversity of the population in the algorithm .


  5. In the framework of dynamical invariant theory , we introduce the annihilation operator a ( t ) and creation operator d + ( t ) for a time-dependent harmonic oscillator .


  6. Photon-added squeezed vacuum states were fabricated by act inverse operator of Boson annihilation operator ~ ( - 1 ) and Boson creation operator ~ + on the squeezed vacuum states first .


  7. Applying the inverse operator of the Boson creation operator and the Boson annihilation operator to the usual squeezed vacuum state , deplete squeezed vaccum states are fabricated and their anti-bunching properties of photons are studied by calculating their corresponding second-order correlation functions , respectively .


  8. Geometrical Representation of the Creation and Annihilation operator
