Contrast control

美 [ˈkɑːntræst kənˈtroʊl]英 [ˈkɒntrɑːst kənˈtrəʊl]
  • 对比度控制;对比度调节,反差控制
Contrast controlContrast control
  1. Contrast control in photograph reproducing


  2. If your processor has brightness and contrast control set them to default .


  3. The OSD section has three TTL inputs and DC contrast control .


  4. Locate the contrast control for your display . It could be labeled Contrast or Picture .


  5. There is also an on-board DAC for LCD back-light or contrast control .


  6. Dynamic scanning takes backlights a step beyond dimming for improved control of motion blur and more precise dynamic contrast control .


  7. Contrast Control Observation of Formula for Relieving Sore-throat to Stop Coughing on Cough Originated from Larynx , A Report of 106 Cases


  8. The evaluation content were consisted of disease diagnostic criteria , randomization method , blind method , contrast control , result report and conclusion deduction etc that described in the literatures .


  9. Wheat yellow stripe rust was controlled by Fenxiuqing ( FXQ ) . The results of contrast control test effect showed , control effect was 76.8 % . Wheat increasing in yield was 23.2 % .


  10. Methods Stool samples from 30 diarrhea patients in burn unit were cultured and separated by aerobic and anaerobic quantitation cultivation , and then identified before and after treatment with Cocktail A lactobacilli preparation . Results of stool culture and identification from healthy people were considered as contrast control .


  11. Analysis And Contrast Of Control Strategies For Air Conditioning Water System


  12. Contrast of Control Laws of Vehicle Stability


  13. Results Immunohistochemistry showed specific MMP-9 expression in EAE brain and spinal cord by contrast to control model .


  14. By contrast , control of corruption has improved noticeably in Tanzania and Serbia .


  15. Bency : In contrast to control group , however , only those groups that rapamycin was given before ischemia can reduce infarct area .


  16. Results : In contrast to control group , the induction effect of the salivary adenoid cystic carcinoma cell on the Schwann cell was seen . community .


  17. Results After the durance of 10 days injection of P peptide , the volume of paw and the arthritis index have apparent difference in contrast to control panel .


  18. FCR in group D , E and B were better than other groups , they were decreased by 4.69 % , 4.55 % and 4.26 % in contrast with control ( P < 0.05 ) .


  19. The results showed that the root growth rate and r / s ratio of two sunflower cultivars were significantly increased in 20 % seawater . While membrane lipid peroxidation was not obvious in contrast to control seedlings .


  20. Results Femoral dry weight in 10 % ethanol group increased in contrast with control group , bone hydroxyproline had no difference , but bone microelements calcium , phosphorus , and magnesium increased ( P < 0.05 ) .


  21. Results Gastrointestinal function recovered more quickly in experiment group than control group while incisional infection and incisional split seldom occurred in contrast to control group . There were statistical significance between these two groups ( P < 0.01 ) .


  22. The experiment showed : There was no big difference in cucumber production between irrigation fertilizer and general chemical fertilizer when they were acting on cucumber , while they could improve cucumber production by 29.72 percent and 22.91 percent respectively contrast to control experiment .


  23. There are altogether 40 cases in this study , perfusion group is a contrast to control group and blank group , and in comparison with the gurgling sound resume situation , rectum exhaust and defecate , body temperature change , defend situation .


  24. The results indicated that the effectiveness of Humic acid combined with EM is the best . In contrast to control group CK , producing milk quantity increased 15.79 % , butter fat rate increased to 3.54 , and cowshed environment was also improved .


  25. The milk yield of trial group was increased by 11 % contrast against control one , content of milk albumen was in - creased by 3.5 % , but the rate of milk fat and the concent of non-fat solid substances have no change .


  26. All the experiment animals were ob-served continuously for 24 h to compare the differences . Results : The poisoning symptoms of Sarin and VX were more serious on the ship even with near coast short voyage and fair sea conditions in contrast with control experiments on land .


  27. The Research Summary of Strategic Control Methods Contrast with Management Control


  28. By contrast , the control classes carried out routine teaching .


  29. In contrast , the control process is series , one can only handle a project .


  30. Observed their recoveries at the different time points respectively and contrast with the control group .
