Consistent hashing

美 [kənˈsɪstənt ˈhæʃɪŋ]英 [kənˈsɪstənt ˈhæʃɪŋ]
  • 网络一致性哈希;一致性散列;一致哈希
Consistent hashingConsistent hashing
  1. A new cooperative Web caching system based on consistent hashing


  2. The consistent hashing algorithm is used in distribute storage system at present .


  3. This mode adds " distribution " based on consistent hashing .


  4. With a good consistent hashing function , all servers should have more or less the same amount of data stored locally .


  5. An improved algorithm named Consistent Hashing and an immigration method of nodes are proposed to fulfill a comprehensive scheduling concerning all the three facets .


  6. When you store or get information from a list of memcached servers , the memcached client derives a numerical value from the key using a consistent hashing algorithm .


  7. This scheme uses scalable bloom filter model to filter reduplicate URLs , consistent hashing to distribute URLs , and UDT protocol to transfer URLs in blocks .


  8. The chunk name (" / home / bela / tmp . txt . # 2 ") is used to pick the server to write the chunk to , or to read it from , using consistent hashing .
