Congestion Charges

美 [kənˈdʒestʃən ˈtʃɑːrdʒɪz]英 [kənˈdʒestʃən ˈtʃɑːdʒɪz]
  • n.交通拥塞费,进城费(为缓解市中心塞车状况而收取)
  • congestion charge的复数
Congestion ChargesCongestion Charges
  1. Brief Analysis on the Influences of the Urban Traffic Congestion Charges


  2. At the same time also the type of traffic congestion charges is analyzed .


  3. Explained the key theory of Congestion charges , put forward Congestion charges model .


  4. Analysis of Urban Road Congestion Charges Related Prob - lems from Urban Economics Perspective


  5. But there is nothing ultimate about gridlock , traffic-management systems and congestion charges .


  6. This text from four influence of congestion charges in volume of traffic of charging region , charging traffics of in or out of the area , urban public transport and city parking demand , proposes relevant models , analyses briefly , and explains its meaning .


  7. Especially in the congestion , charges , poor food , disorder and other aspects should be devoted to the supervision mechanism , to lay a good foundation for improving scenic reputation . ( 3 ) Perfect infrastructure .
