Concordia University

  • 网络康考迪亚大学;康科迪亚大学;肯考迪亚大学;协和大学;康卡迪亚大学
Concordia UniversityConcordia University
  1. ScienceDaily ( Aug.31,2011 ) & Fathers who actively engage in raising their children can help make their offspring smarter and better behaved , according to new research from Concordia University .


  2. Scientists from Concordia University found that people who compared themselves to successful friends and neighbors caught more colds than people who did the same with those they considered worse off .


  3. For example , researchers from Concordia University discovered men responded more strongly to the framing effect when physical attractiveness was described .


  4. For example , researchers from Concordia University discovered men responded more strongly to the " framing effect " when physical attractiveness was described .


  5. The survey , carried out at Concordia University in Montral , Quebec , Canada , gave overall descriptions of potential partners , along with positive and negative descriptions .


  6. Scientists from Concordia University found that people who compared themselves to successful friends and neighbors caught more colds than people who did the same with those they considered worse off 。


  7. Tim Sedo , a history professor at Concordia University in Montreal who makes a YouTube cooking series with his wife , has a different idea : Hangzhou food .


  8. Researchers at Canada 's Concordia University found testosterone levels affect the ratio in finger lengths in both men and women - yet it is only men whose personality traits are also directly linked to these levels .
