Concentration effect

美 [ˌkɑːnsnˈtreɪʃn ɪˈfekt]英 [ˌkɒnsnˈtreɪʃn ɪˈfekt]
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Concentration effectConcentration effect
  1. Study on the GPC concentration effect of PVC


  2. Concentration effect in the synthesis of ring-shaped polymers


  3. Analysis of special case of concentration effect on chemical equilibrium


  4. An Experimental Study on Three Dimensional Stress Concentration Effect


  5. Concentration effect of oxidant and doping agent on structure and properties of polyaniline


  6. CONCLUSION The relationships of dose effect and concentration effect of Iso were positively correlated .


  7. The numerical test of initial ice nuclei concentration effect on cold cloud convectional precipitation


  8. Three-Dimensional Stress Concentration Effect in Notched Plates


  9. Concentration Effect on GPC Retention Volume


  10. Concentration effect of p-xylene pressure liquid-phase oxidation


  11. Investigation of Surfactant Concentration Effect on the Mesostructure and Dielectric Properties of Mesoporous Silica Films


  12. Critical Concentration Effect During the Preparation of Self-assembled PSS / PDDA Multilayer Films


  13. The three major economic growth poles have obvious concentration effect and radiation effect . They have become important pillars of national economy .


  14. Taking full advantages of extreme reflectivity , improving the concentration effect of sunlight and raise photo-thermal efficiency .


  15. EXAFS studies on particle concentration effect and adsorption reversibility of Zn (ⅱ) onto anatase TiO_2


  16. Timing-and concentration effect of belowground treatment with jasmonic acid on maize seedlings chemical defense response


  17. It is showed that the virtue of the louver concentrator are good concentration effect 、 low resistance 、 mezzo air distribution .


  18. In addition , concentration effect is found on major nutrient elements , such as total nitrogen , phosphorus , and potassium during the composting .


  19. With this as the theoretical foundation , it makes an empirical test on the market concentration effect of China 's retailing industry while more transnational corporations come in .


  20. Conclusion : Nasal mucosal cellular plastiosome change is a sensitive submicrostructure cellular mark of low chlorine concentration effect to human nasal mucosa .


  21. It is concluded that the head stream of the instable flow and flow stress concentration effect during the melt extrusion process mainly occurred at the die inlet .


  22. Electrical Contact Behavior of Carbon Pasteboard during Fretting Experiment and Concentration Effect of Sodium Lactate as " Adhesive " for Particle Contamination on Electrical Contacts


  23. Finally , discrete cosine transform is performed on the motion vector groups to utilize its energy concentration effect and obtain robustness against the lossy compression attacks .


  24. Their concentration effect curves seem to be bell-shaped , suggesting that LNT have a dual immunomodulatory activity in a dose-dependent manner .


  25. Ozone concentration effect is not obvious at the weekend , weekday ozone concentration was slightly lower than the weekend , it related to the atmospheric visibility .


  26. Determination of [ 5 , 10 , 15 , 20 ] - Substituted Tetraphenyl Porphyrin Iron Chloride Complexes by Means of Charge-Transfer Band Concentration Effect


  27. Conclusion : ATZ can disturb endocrine system , induce estrogen effect , increase gene expression of VTG , and presents a kind of monotonous concentration effect relationship at low concentration .


  28. This indicated that exogenous nitric oxide partially alleviates the lower activity of protective enzymes caused by NaCl stress . 8 SNP showed concentration effect on the growth of cotton seedling .


  29. The east industrial cluster possesses strong concentration effect that makes the " polarization effect " of various kinds of factors be strengthened , and this effect possesses very strong path dependence and positive strengthenization function .


  30. On preparation of a new magnetoresistor sensor samples , test and analysis of hysteresis characteristics , measuring and analyzing different different Carbonyl Nickel Carbonyl nickel powder particle size , particle concentration effect on the performance of the sensor .
