Computing Association

Computing AssociationComputing Association
  1. Then , a new method for computing association probabilities using mean-field approximation network is presented .


  2. Computing association probabilities using mean-field approximation networks


  3. CompTIA , the Computing Technology Industry Association , recently did an opinion study .


  4. Referring to the idea of Association Matrix in electrical network theory and combining character of Line-loss computing , the association matrix A , which is a key step to transfer Electrical Model to Math Model , is designed .


  5. Facing the distributed file system of Distributed computing platform , these association rule mining algorithms will fail .


  6. On the other hand , Naive Bayes is weighted by computing the confidence of association rules .


  7. In dealing with small dataset , because each computing cluster deployment task to take some time , more serious waste of computing resources , the association rules based on Hadoop parallel algorithm is not suitable for the calculation of small-scale dataset .
