Component Signal

美 [kəmˈpoʊnənt ˈsɪɡnəl]英 [kəmˈpəʊnənt ˈsɪɡnəl]
  • 网络分量信号;分量视频
Component SignalComponent Signal
  1. By using the method of the TLS ESPRIT combined with the mathematical statistics , the multi component signal 's IF can be obtained .


  2. This paper makes more detailed description of the principle and conception of digital treatment of TV signals , including component signal and composite signal , sampling and quantizing , composite coding and component coding .


  3. Study on Fractal Characterization of the Dynamic Cutting Force Component Signal in High Speed Milling


  4. With the same peak value , NEM can promote the amplitude of each component signal compared with direct synthesis method .


  5. In this paper , the fundamental frequency component signal can be extracted from the transient fault signal of electric power system by using wavelet packet algorithm .


  6. The multi-scale coherent eddy structure in turbulent boundary layer is detected through taking multi-scale wavelet coefficient of stream velocity component signal as characteristic quantity .


  7. A kind of phase kernel time frequency distribution is proposed , which separates auto terms from cross terms in the time frequency plane , preserves a high time frequency resolution , and is adaptable to the analysis of time frequency features of a multi component signal .


  8. As an important component of signal processing , image processing has played a more and more important role in information society .


  9. When talking about the feature extraction method of hydraulic units , we adopted the energy distribution based on the IMF ( Intrinsic mode function ) component of signal .


  10. A single component NLFM signal can also produce crossed item , and it appears in self-midpoint set of the signal time-frequency curve itself .


  11. The filter is an important component in signal processing , however , the requirements of high speed and broad bandwidth signal processing are becoming desperate in recent years with the increasing communication capacity .


  12. In this algorithm , the digital differential filtering ( DDF ) is used to process the sampled signals , the timing component of signal is improved , and therefore the convergence speed is quickened .


  13. As for stator winding inter-turn short fault , a detection method , which treats the stator current wavelet transform modulus maximum , phase difference and negative sequence component mutation signal as the fault features , is presented .


  14. With the rapid development of wireless communications , the center frequency of data communications has raised to GHz or above . The RF filter , as an important component of signal processing in the communication systems , attracts more and more attention .


  15. The principles of contactless infrared measuring temperature with pyroelectricity infrared sensors , the system structure of infrared measurement temperature and its component of signal processing circuits are introduced , its aim is to carry out contactless temperature measurement for a moving body .


  16. Effect of Optical Component Parameters on Signal Characteristics and Measured Parameters of Thermal Spray Particles


  17. Muti - component Linear FM Signal Detection Based on Clustering


  18. The extracted technology and application of Fuzzy neural network automaton is an important component of Fuzzy Signal Processing technology .


  19. Basis pursuit is applied to extract the main vibration component in the signal and to suppress background noise .


  20. As an important component of digital signal processor , the speed of multiplier determines the performance of it directly .


  21. With the development of high speed data acquisition technique , the research of nonuniform sampling has become an important component of digital signal processing subject .


  22. The data acquisition system is an indispensable and important component of the signal and information processing system , and also is the key link of the digital signal process .


  23. According to the Nyquist Theorem , the sampling rate must be more than twice the maximum frequency component of the signal being measured .


  24. Particularly , the antenna structure comprises a base plate , a radiating component , a signal feed component and a grounding component .


  25. · CONCLUSION : PI3K activation is an essential component of the signal transduction pathway to increase proliferation in RPE cells under hypoxia .


  26. DOA estimation is an important component of array signal processing , also known as spatial spectrum estimation , and has been widely developed over the past thirty years .


  27. Sucrose may act not only as an energy source but also a component in blue-light-induced signal transduction of anthocyanin accumulation and CHS expression .


  28. That the wavelet db4 and wavelet packages db4 are the ideal methods in analyzing the aviation component ultrasonic testing signal is validated .


  29. Mitogen-activated kinase ( MAPK ) is the important component of the signal transmission in living things and closely related to growth , development and responses to adverse environments .


  30. Our results suggested that the high-frequency component of electrocardial signal is more sensitive to small pathological changes in heart and the dynamic changes during the developing of myocardial ischemia .
