Collective land use rights
- 网络集体土地使用权

Therefore , how to induce , improve and standardize the rational circulation of rural collective land use rights is the major problem .
Clarity of property rights of rural land is mainly reflected by identifying the subject of collective land use rights , giving collective land use rights including the right to exchange the homestead land use right and so on .
Developed on the part of local government in the fourth part of the collective construction land use rights transfer system analysis .
From the three local government system , government regulations , found that the lack of collective construction land use rights transfer system and room for innovation .
Farmers ' automatic transfer mode gives farmers greater autonomy , but the supervision of rural collective construction land use rights transfer is much more difficult .
The second day is on the rural collective construction land use rights , the paper defines , and summarizes the collective construction land use rights scope , boundaries and properties .
Based on the provisions of the Constitution and the property law , rural collective construction land use rights should be the same as the state-owned land use rights are treated equally .
Our current laws and regulations on rural collective construction land use rights transfer is not stated explicitly , but in practice , especially in the urban-rural areas , rural collective construction land use rights transfer have been a commonplace .
For collective construction land use rights mortgage problems , the existing legal environment goes against the construction of this system . It is a comprehensive reform of the legal system to improve the system and need reformation on taxation , banking , legislative and finance , and other departments .
Collective construction land , the collective construction land use rights , the collective construction land use right transfer the meaning of the three concepts , characteristics , scope is defined , and on this basis reveals the connotation of the collective construction land use right transfer .
From the perspective of coordinating Urban-Rural , the overall reform direction of land property rights is to insist rural collective land ownership , constantly strengthen and perfect collective land use rights ( property rights ), and strengthen the property right incentive and constrained function .
Besides it is necessary to give equal rights between rural collective land ownership and state-owned land ownership , separate rural collective land ownership and use rights , give rural collective land and urban state-owned land enjoy equal rights function .