
  • 网络色球;色球层;太阳的色球层;太阳色球层
  1. The chromosphere is a frothy layer churned up by gases in the photosphere .


  2. It is difficult to photograph the actual chromosphere .


  3. A possible mechanism of nonresonant heating of the chromosphere - corona transition zone


  4. An observation study of the magnetic field on the solar-like chromosphere active star ε eri


  5. Acoustic waves are a primary candidate for supplying the energy necessary to heat the solar chromosphere and corona .


  6. The following results are revealed . 1 . For the first maximum , high energy electrons do not penetrate the chromosphere .


  7. The rest escapes as sound waves , mechanical vibrations that heat the chromosphere , the middle layer of the sun 's atmosphere .


  8. The chromosphere and corona can be seen from Earth when the sun is totally eclipsed by the moon .


  9. This confirms the idea that the mechanical waves generated from the convection zone are not very effective in heating the chromosphere and corona .


  10. Colorant of naturally colored cotton fabric exists in the secondary cell wall of cellulose , the chromosphere is dependent on the carbonyl group .


  11. Solar-like Activities in Late-type Stars ( ⅱ): Active Chromosphere , Transition Region and Coronal Emissions , and Stellar Flares


  12. No , it was flare eruptions , which are the chromosphere and prominence on the landscape .


  13. Center to limb observations show that the magnetic structures of small scale magnetic structures have not changed much when they extend from the solar photosphere to the chromosphere .


  14. Beyond the photosphere in the chromosphere and the extremely rarified corona , which extends millions of kilometres into space .


  15. Starting at the outside and going down into the Sun , the zones are the corona , chromosphere , photosphere . convection zone . and finally the core .


  16. These observed results indicate that material evaporation occurs in the pre-flare phase , and violent variation of the chromospheric magnetic field probably is one of the reasons of causing chromosphere evaporation


  17. Axial Mixing and Gas Hold-Up of Gas-Liquid in Multistage Agitated Column The chromosphere is a frothy layer churned up by gases in the photosphere .


  18. The results indicate that the heating in the lower chromosphere and the upper photosphere , especially for large flares , can be caused neither by X-ray radiation nor by electron beam bombardment .


  19. Our conclusion is that we happened to observe an intensive short time-scale activity of the chromosphere of Arcturus characterized by mass outflow and outward motions of circumstellar matter .


  20. The chromospheric activity of II Peg is very strong , and exhibits an obvious rotational modulation phenomenon . The optical flare is happened In every rotational period , and it is through each layer of the chromosphere .


  21. Solar spicules are rapidly evolving jets seen on the solar limb , extending from the bottom of the chromosphere to the corona . Spicule is the most common feature observed in the chromosphere .


  22. During the major flare , the two-ribbon appearance , loop system formation , mass ejections and their flows back to the chromosphere had a good correspondance in time to the peaks of the 3.2 cm radio flux curve .
