China Medical University

美 [ˈtʃaɪnə ˈmedɪkl ˌjuːnɪˈvɜːrsəti]英 [ˈtʃaɪnə ˈmedɪkl ˌjuːnɪˈvɜːsəti]
  • 网络中国医科大学;中国医药大学
China Medical UniversityChina Medical University
  1. Evaluation of Environmental Radio Level at China Medical University


  2. The Primary Evaluation of China Medical University PBL Teaching Model and Efficacy


  3. Evaluation of Standardized Resident Training Reform in China Medical University


  4. The investigation into oral health knowledge and behaviors among medical undergraduates of China Medical University


  5. Female Wistar rats all came from animal experimental ministry of China Medical University .


  6. SEETING : Cancer Research Institute of China Medical University .


  7. Department of Endocrinology , The First Affiliated Hospital , China Medical University ;


  8. SETTING and PARTICIPANTS : The study was performed in Hearing Research Laboratory of China Medical University .


  9. KUNMING mice were supplied from the Department of Laboratory Animals , China Medical University


  10. Analysis of HIV antibody detection results in No.1 Hospital of China Medical University from 1997 to 2005


  11. Human cervical cancer tissue is ob-tained from the First Affiliated hospital of China Medical University .


  12. Wistar rats were provided by Medical Animal Center , the Second Clinical College of China Medical University . Samples ;


  13. The reasons of the low incidence rate of intraoperative awareness during general anesthesia in China Medical University hospital .


  14. Male Wistar rat , 200 ± 20g , provided by animal center of China medical university .


  15. Research on the Implementation Methods of Subject Librarian Service in Medical Colleges and Universities & taking China Medical University as an example


  16. METHODS : The experiment was performed from September 2005 to May 2006 at the Experimental Animal Center , China Medical University .


  17. Comparison for treatment experience of gastric cancer between china medical university and university of Tokyo-A report of 2438 Cases


  18. In China Medical University , 20-teaching-hour electron microscope technique course has been arranged for the undergraduates of Laboratory Medicine .


  19. Retrospective study of admission and consulting calls because of poisoning at the First Affiliated Hospital , China Medical University from 1997 to 2003


  20. METHODS The bioequivalence test of cefixime done by the first affiliated of china Medical University was analyzed by the traditional method and statistics similarity method .


  21. Animals : Female SD rats ( supplied by Animal Laboratory Center of China Medical University ) weighing 270 to 320g were used .


  22. A total of 8 universities , including China Medical University and Chongqing Medical University , will take the lead in enrolling pediatric undergraduates this summer .


  23. China Medical University Library document delivery service has been carried out for many years , which solute the contradiction between expensive medical literature price and readers needs .


  24. According to a investigation in First Hospital of China Medical University , CO poisoning ranked the second position among poisoning diseases while its mortality ranked first position .


  25. Song Dongli , Railway Hospital of Benxi City , Liaoning Province Wang Chao , Zheng Zhibo , China Medical University .


  26. Clinical material : Cases from the First Hospital of China Medical University were collected between January 1994 and June 2003 , including 30 cases of vulvar squamous carcinoma ;


  27. In China Medical University , the clinical competence of the 5th year medical students to be graduated is evaluated by Objective Structured Clinical Examination ( OSCE ) .


  28. Cases of acne frontalis were treated with refined snake venom ointment prepared by the Senile Diseases Prophylactic-therapeutic Research Center of China Medical University .


  29. The basic data mainly came from the survey of students of China Medical University , by the questionnaire created by the researcher which had a testified reliability and structure validity .


  30. SETTING and PARTICIPANTS : There were 95 patients with fracture of ankle joints during January 1985 to October 2000 from the First Affiliated Hospital of China Medical University .
