- n.卡斯珀(一个卡通造型);鬼马小精灵

Mechanism of Casper in Apoptosis and Activation of NF - κ B
Make way for Casper the friendly ghost !
The Potential Value of Rethinking Casper David Friedrich for the Future Development of the Marine Landscape
Test and evaluation of CASPER display colorimetry
An anonymous friend of the Humane Society in Casper had taken care of it .
Materialized how , like casper , the friendly ghost ?
Its appearance led some Twitter users to say it resembled the cartoon character Casper the Friendly Ghost .
Casper did his duty , though , and succeeded in holding the man until human officers handcuffed him .
Casper : yes , I 've spoken to some of the cabin staff and they 're very worried .
But she shocked some listeners when she questioned whether the Chinese ''eat cats ''while discussing Casper 's antics .
Casper watched and watched and little by little he looked like he 's envying ! Casper became jealous about his papa playing with other child .
Oliver Copeland in this adorable new clip tries to sing Happy Birthday , but his baby brother Casper clearly isn 't impressed with his singing .
For cartoons , I preferred Bugs Bunny , Casper the Friendly Ghost , and Baby Huey , with whom I probably identified .
There are lots of business reasons and lots of emotional reasons for the decision to open in New York , said Casper Vissers , Moooi 's co-founder and chief executive .
Casper in the end is replaced by a stuffed doll who is of course a better companion for his elder brother in the video , at least better then Casper .
George Casper Homans fair in social exchange theory reveals in the importance of a fair exchange , also emphasizes wages and rewards and punishments to realize fair to motivate employees working enthusiasm and creativity of important role .
They drove the 108 miles to Rawlings , Wyoming . There they rendezvoused with a woman named Cathy , who 'd come 118 miles from Casper to meet them .
The 19th century concept of cultural radicalism , with its critical attitude toward Victorian sexual restraint , has been incredibly influential , said the film historian Casper Tybjerg , a professor at the University of Copenhagen .
She was also the voice behind Casper the Friendly Ghost in at least one episode and Felix the Cat in the three sound and color episodes produced during the ' 30s . Many of her appearances were uncredited .
So far , Intel 's designs are in 30 different tablets , under brand names such as Teclast , Aigo , and Ramos in China , Positivo in Brazil , and Casper in Turkey , all of which emerge from Shenzhen factories .
The milky white creature , nicknamed " Casper the Friendly Ghost " by Twitter users , was caught on cameras mounted on the craft as it explored the Pacific Ocean at a depth of 4290 meters , the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said .
Bullied at school and ignored and abused at home by his indifferent mother and older brother , Billy Casper , a 15-year-old Yorkshire boy from a working-class family , finds peace in taming and training his pet kestrel falcon , Kes .