Carrier Sense

美 [ˈkæriər sens]英 [ˈkæriə(r) sens]
  • 网络载波侦听;载波检测
Carrier SenseCarrier Sense
  1. In network context : Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection .


  2. The WLANs uses a carrier sense multiple access mechanism , which leads a more control frames .


  3. The Detection of Carrier Sense in Wireless Location Area Network


  4. Conflict Resolution Problem of Carrier Sense Multiple & access


  5. Carrier sense multiple access and collision detection protocol


  6. But the physics layer of some small hand-hold equipments can not provide carrier sense .


  7. MACAW Protocol for Underwater Acoustic Networks Based on Multi-frame Acknowledgement and Virtual Carrier Sense


  8. Which characteristics describe carrier sense multiple access collision detect ( CSMA / CD )? ( Choose three .


  9. With the help of a carrier sense and the control packets , PRMA effectively solves the hidden terminal problem in a multi-hop network .


  10. The IEEE 802.15.4 MAC layer adopts Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance ( CSMA-CA ) technology and supports the sleeping mode .


  11. In addition , with an assumption of the Gaussian noise , the stochastic background noise causing that medium is determined mistakenly under fixed carrier sense thresholds are analyzed .


  12. The media access control ( MAC ) protocol of mobile Ad Hoc networks ( MANETs ) is closely-related with its physics layer , most MAC protocols request the capability of carrier sense in physical layer .


  13. S-MAC ( Sensor-MAC ) are one of most important wireless sensor network protocols . It uses similar way with IEEE 802.11 to avoid conflict , including virtual and physical carrier sense and RTS / CTS exchange .


  14. Differing from the " ordinary " language we use in our daily lives , forensic language is a kind of legal carrier with strong sense of authority and power of restriction .


  15. Old how to protect commercial resources of this traditional Chinese carrier has a strong sense of reality , but also has long-term significance .
