Cargo aircraft

美 [ˈkɑːrɡoʊ ˈerkræft]英 [ˈkɑːɡəʊ ˈeəkrɑːft]
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Cargo aircraftCargo aircraft
  1. Boeing estimates China will need to buy 2900 new planes , including cargo aircraft , between now and 2025 .


  2. Cargo aircraft , in contrast , might be easier to reschedule , as might routine military flights .


  3. It also focuses on the demand for passenger cargo aircraft over a certain period .


  4. Joint Cargo Aircraft Developed by US Army and AF


  5. The military has brought medical equipment , excavating tools , and other relief materials , as well as helicopters and cargo aircraft .


  6. The aircraft lease in this article refers to the large civil aircraft or cargo aircraft for the underlying assets of the lease .


  7. General aviation covers crop dusters , corporate jets , single-engine training aircraft and cargo aircraft , among other things .


  8. An intraclass disparity this large doesn 't exist in any standard military aviation category , such as fighter or cargo aircraft .


  9. The mammals can be deployed via C-130 cargo aircraft to perform their missions anywhere in the world within 72 hours .


  10. It has also suffered a drop in aircraft orders that left it trailing Boeing , which announced several orders yesterday for passenger and cargo aircraft .


  11. Recent years , as the increasing number of large aircraft and whole cargo aircraft , more and more oversize and overweight cargo can be transported by aircraft .


  12. Up to now , more than 1,400 cargo aircraft , passenger planes and multi-purpose aircraft of 30 types in eight series have been developed and manufactured .


  13. Two crew members were killed in July 2011 when a Boeing 747 cargo aircraft crashed into the East China Sea after a fire on the main cargo deck .


  14. Europe 's armed forces have medium-sized cargo aircraft for tactical airlift but are desperately short of the large aircraft needed for strategic airlift over long distances .


  15. TWO QATARI fighter jets and a cargo aircraft , part of military operations to enforce a no-fly zone over Libya , yesterday made an unscheduled refueling stop in Cyprus .


  16. The Ilyushin Il-76 ( NATO designation Candid ) was fielded by the Soviet Air Force in1974 as a medium range , medium payload , rough surface capable cargo aircraft .


  17. The mammals can be deployed via C-130 cargo aircraft to perform their missions anywhere in the world within 72 hours . They have been used in exercises from Alaska to Hawaii , operating in great temperature and environmental ranges .


  18. Air Cargo and Aircraft Ground Equipment Subcommittee


  19. This is a Ukrainian company that manufactures cargo and firefighting aircraft .


  20. The parcel companies clearly see plenty of growth ahead-they are making big investments in new cargo hubs and aircraft .


  21. Public air transport enterprise means a corporate enterprise engaged in the transport of passengers , baggage , mail or cargo with civil aircraft for the purpose of making profit .


  22. Download cargo from a transport aircraft .


  23. The new bags , expected to be available next year , will interact with sensors in the cargo holds of Airbus aircraft to identify their location .


  24. He noted that for many years , the member-nations have not been willing to meet requirements for cargo planes , refueling aircraft , helicopters and intelligence capabilities .
