Career Transition

美 [kəˈrɪr trænˈzɪʃn]英 [kəˈrɪə(r) trænˈzɪʃn]
  • 网络职业转换;生涯转变;职业生涯转型
Career TransitionCareer Transition
  1. At the initial stage , Angel finished the career transition quickly with the help of her supervisor .


  2. The career transition experience of graduates has been generalized , and its influence factors and the mode of transition have also been summarized .


  3. Space Displacement and Career Transition of the Modern Shandong Emigrants ( 1912-1937 );


  4. If you are patient and creative , you can keep your career transition moving forward .


  5. Barbara 's career transition approach motivated me to'push the envelope ' .


  6. How much would you like to invest in career transition coaching in order to have a successful career ?


  7. The reason that the MBA is two years is because people want to accomplish a thoughtful career transition , he maintains .


  8. So the role transition from students to professional people and the conversion from school life to working life are both needed , which play important role in career transition .


  9. The Career Transition of Outstanding Athletes After Retiring in Other Countries ; A Survey on the Labor Service of Professional Athletes at Home and Abroad from Perspective of Economics
