Capital and Financial Account
- 网络资本与金融账户;资本与金融项目;资本和金融账户;资本和金融项目;资本和金融帐户

However , behind this " double surplus ", China actually is a capital export country with favorable balance in current account and adverse balance in capital and financial account .
International capital flow refers to the cross-border flow of capital , reflected in the capital and financial account .
The task to open the capital and financial account is becoming more urgent .
To Discuss the Way of Opening Capital and Financial Account and Protecting the Risks
The Interrelation of RMB Real Exchange Rate Change and China 's Capital and Financial Account
The third part is to analyze how to prevent the risk of the capital and financial account opening courses .
With Chinas opening up , Capital and Financial Account become more and more open to the other countries .
Except for a few years , our country has maintained the double surplus of the current account , capital and financial account .
Finally this paper concludes that the inflows of FDI have been the main reason of our capital and financial account surplus .
Then the author concluded that FDI affected the current account and the capital and financial account of balance of payments statement mainly by trade flow and capital flow .
The conclusion is : the RMB internationalization not only relies on the free of Capital and Financial Account , but also depends on the favorable institution of shanghai international financial center ( which is being ) and Hong Kong international financial center .
As the degree of RMB internationalization is very high , a sustainable structure of balance of payments is as follows : combining deficits in the trade account and surplus in the current account with deficits in the capital and financial account .
In the situation that capital and financial account transactions is controlled at present , external RMB follow normal route reflux Mainland difficultly , then setting up RMB Offshore Financial Centre of HK ( Hong Kong ) will aid to solve these problems .
Among the three components of capital and financial account of BOP statistics , namely , direct investment , portfolio investment and other investment ( including trade credits and external debt ), changes in policies and regulations on other investment ranked No. 1 in terms of both quantity and frequency .
Second section analyzed our country in this model foundation from the checking account and the capital and the financial account diagnoses the double favorable balance to be possible to maintain in the short-term .
The second part introduces the management course of capital financial account of China and the opening realistic foundation , including the cost-benefit analysis of capital controlling , and the development course of capital and financial account and foundation of opening .