Cambrian Explosion

美 [ˈkæmbriən ɪkˈsploʊʒn]英 [ˈkæmbriən ɪkˈspləʊʒn]
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Cambrian ExplosionCambrian Explosion
  1. Gill Pratt , a robotics expert , recently described a " Cambrian explosion " for robotics in the Journal of Economic Perspectives .


  2. Although today there are only a handful of efforts at internet democracy , I believe that smartphone-ready digital IDs will eventually usher in a " Cambrian explosion " of democratic forms .


  3. The Cambrian explosion was a time of massive evolutionary change on the planet .


  4. ONE of the greatest mysteries of the history of life is the Cambrian explosion .


  5. The Meishucun stage is the prelude of the Cambrian Explosion .


  6. This event is sometimes called the " cambrian explosion ", because of the relatively short time over which this diversity of forms appears .


  7. The extreme climate arisen from " snowball Earth " may promote evolution of life and trigger the " Cambrian Explosion " .


  8. These new materials provide new evidence for the origin , evolution and the functional evolution of the metazoan during the early stage of the Cambrian explosion .


  9. Whether early metazoans originated during the Cambrian explosion or lasted a relatively long period before , remains a mystery in the evolutionary history of animal .


  10. Strangelove ocean before the Cambrian explosion


  11. The term Cambrian explosion should be translated from English into Chinese properly , and in the meanwhile , a clear explanation of the biological term adaptive radiation seems necessary .


  12. The evolution of the frontal appendage is an important event for the early arthropods to improve their feeling and feeding ability under the fiercely ' arm race ' press in Cambrian explosion .


  13. Unconformities are places where rocks have been eroded before new ones are deposited , and the widespread Ediacaran-Cambrian unconformity has been a big obstacle to understanding the Cambrian explosion .


  14. Some excited people have likened this technological upheaval to the Cambrian explosion 500m years ago , when evolution on Earth speeded up in part because the cell had been perfected and standardised .


  15. Tte represents one of the earliest multicellular faunas on earth since the Phanerozoic eon . It becomes the most excellent window for deciphering the Cambrian explosion because of its abundant fossils and exquisite preserving quality .


  16. In conclusion , we think that a large amount of information on paleo-ocean environments has been recorded in these sedimentary deposits , and the study of these deposits can certainly shed a light on the paleo-ocean environment change during Cambrian explosion .


  17. A group of Chinese scientists , led by Zhu Maoyan of the Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology , plan to change that with a project called " From the Snowball Earth to the Cambrian explosion : the evolution of life and environment 600m years ago . "


  18. What had the violate climate changes during the Neoproterozoic impacted on the Cambrian life explosion ?


  19. Cambrian period Cambrian explosion and the Chengjiang fauna


  20. The sudden appearance of the major animal phyla of metazoa in the fossil record apparently records a phase of rapid evolution at the base of the Cambrian period and this has become known as the " Cambrian explosion " .
