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  • abbr.合格证书(Certificate Of Qualification)
  1. We also compare our methods and results with Le Coq 's.


  2. This paper describes the process and experience of building such security programs using proof assistant Coq .


  3. We will do a complete conversion , and then use the Coq language writing instruction function theorem .


  4. Objective : To explore the possibility of CoQ 10 for the treatment of cochlear diseases .


  5. Effects of Culture Conditions on Rhizobium leguminosarum Cell Growth and CoQ _ ( 10 ) Production


  6. The Breeding Ideas of CoQ _ ( 10 ) Production by Industrial Fermentation and Optimizing Strategies of Fermentation Conditions


  7. Effects of CoQ _ ( 10 ) on Growth Performance and Sensitivity of Broiler Chicks to Ascites


  8. It is ascertained that the Coq ê n basin has the nature of a tectonic composite basin .


  9. But it was not even her idea to put the peas in the coq au vin .


  10. It was my idea to add peas to the coq au vin recipe .


  11. Conclusions CoQ 10 is beneficial to the treatment of microcirculatory disturbances , relieving cell hypoxia and protecting from cell damage .


  12. [ Conclusion ] COQ shows significant effect in IBS with diarrhea of disharmony between liver and spleen by regulating region of encephalic functional area .


  13. Studies on the Promotor of CoQ _ ( 10 ) Fermentation with Rhizobium radiobacter


  14. Respiratory chain is an important protective screen that defends oxygen attack . Reducing type CoQ 10 and cytochrome C are important anti-oxidant materials in the respiratory chain ;


  15. Drinks at " Coq d'or " - dinner at the " Auberge " - a ring and a promise given .


  16. Hostess 's famous drop-dead-gorgeous Coq Au Vin , the best scene for me was of course the fire after cognac !


  17. Conclusions : AM , taurine and CoQ 10 have some curative effects on CVB 3 murine myocarditis , AM combined with taurine and CoQ 10 is the best .


  18. Another restaurant offshoot is Buvette , where the chef simmers free-range chicken in red Burgundy for classic coq au vin , a dish rarely seen in bistros nowadays .


  19. As an activator of metabolism and respiration in the cell , coenzyme Q 10 ( CoQ - { 10 } ) possesses a high significance in clinical application , and its biosynthesis has been studied intensively all over the world .


  20. According to the foraminifera assemblage , the age of the upper part of the " Wuyu Group " in the Coq ê n area should be Aptian to Cenomanian and the depositional environment should be littoral-neritic .


  21. In order to observe the protective role of CoQ 10 to myocardial ischemia reperfusion injury , 20 patients who would be given intracardiac surgery under extracorporeal circulation were selected at random and divided into two groups ( A group : Co Q 10 , B group : control ) .


  22. But certainly I admired how so many of them stayed trim while enjoying coq au vin , baguettes , andouillettes , eclairs and fondue while Americans struggled with their weight while gorging on diet soda and Lean Cuisines .
