Brown red soil

美 [braʊn red sɔɪl]英 [braʊn red sɔɪl]
  • 网络棕红壤
Brown red soilBrown red soil
  1. Influences of Various Modifiers on Acidity of Brown Red Soil


  2. Zinc in Brown Red Soil and Its Bio-utilization


  3. Boron balance in agroecosystem on brown red soil of south Hubei Province


  4. Effect of applying CaO 2 to cold water paddy field in hilly area in brown red soil of southeast Hubei


  5. Water loss , soil erosion and boron loss characteristics of the brown red soil in South Hubei Province under different cover degrees


  6. Potted rapeseed experiements were conducted by applying urban living garbage compost in brown red soil .


  7. This paper covered the zinc content and the factors affecting zinc availability in brown red soil from the angle of improving human Zn-nutrition , pointing out that the soil was rich in zinc element .


  8. Five sequential cropping systems including rape / soybean rice , wheat / watermelon rice , rape / corn soybean , wheat sesame and soybean sesame , were selected study the boron balance in agroecosystem on brown red soil of south Hubei Province .


  9. Characteristics of organic matters in paddy soils derived from dark brown soil and red soil


  10. Kinetics of cu ~ ( 2 + ) secondary adsorption by yellow brown soil and red soil


  11. Kinetics of zn ~ ( 2 + ) and cd ~ ( 2 + ) secondary adsorption on yellow brown soil and red soil pretreated with phosphate


  12. Characteristics of organic matters in paddy soils derived from dark brown soil and red soil distribution of phosphorus in water-stable aggregates in upland and paddy red earths


  13. To the same treatment in pot trial , dry weight and sulfur content of rape were observed in the sequence : Yellow Brown soil > Red soil > Grey Cultivated Meadow soil .


  14. Pleistocene strata of Ningcheng country is represented by Chifeng loess . It consists of sub-clay of brown red ( the ancient soil layer ) and brown Asia-silt layer ( soil layer ) .
