Better group

5 tips to better Group Photography
The means of supporting result discussion and modification among cooperator are needed in order to support better group cooperative design working .
Results The healing of group A was better than group B and C.
Result The healing state of Group ePTFE was better than Group silicone .
Optimal weights initialization technology chooses the better weights group for current sample sets .
Results The analgesic effect in group A was significantly better than group B ( P < 0.01 ) .
The leading capability of anastomosis in group A was better than group B on pathological examination .
Results ① The anesthetic effect was significantly better in group PR than that in group P ( P < 0.05 ) .
RESULTS : Group A and B became better , group C showed a aggravating trendy ( P < 0.05 ) .
Hemorrheology improvement compared : the two groups can improve the blood rheology indicators in order to better Danshen group . 5 .
The therapeutic effect of group of repair plus PCV was better than group of simple repair significantly ( P < 0 05 ) .
According to the comparison of callus histology , it shows clear that both gourp B and group C are better than group A. 2 .
Group B better than Group C ( P0.05 ) . With CT scanning , the infracted area was reduced markedly in Group A than in Group B and C ;
Results Improvement of anorexia , weight loss , Karnofsky scoring and alleviating cancerous pain in group A was better than group B ( P 0.05 ) .
Results Group ⅱ and Group ⅲ were better than Group ⅰ in the analgesic efficacy and the degree of cervical relaxation , with less occurrence of the side-effects than Group ⅰ .
Results Neurobehavioral tests including beam walking test , beam balance test and memory test , showed that neurobehavioral functions were significantly better in group ⅰ than in other groups ( P < 0.01 ) .
Results : In groups C and D , the plasma ALP and urine Ca / Cr , Hop / Cr were corrected to different degrees , better in group D than in group C ;
When we structure instantaneous explosion model of type ⅱ supernova , the nuclear physical constants cb and nuclear material compression modulus k0 are modified to get a " better parameter group " to achieve explosion .
In white on the improvement in cleanness of MDI , efficacy significantly between group A and group B , the difference between no statistical significance ( P0.05 ), were significantly better than group C ( P0.05 ) .
The differences in intellectual development score among the 3 groups were not obvious before treatment ( P > 0.05 ), but significant after treatment ( P < 0.01 ), and it was better in group C than in the other two groups .
Results The latency , amplitude of compound muscle action potential and count of myelinated nerve fibers were better in group B than in group A , and also better in group D than in group C ( P < 0.05 ) .
Result : The improvement of the histological structure of group C was better than group A and group B. PGs content of group C was higher than the other two groups . MDA content of group C was lower than the other two groups .
Reduce the waistline , the total effective rate was 93.33 % in the control group was 73.33 % effective in the treatment group compared with the control group there were significant differences ( P 0.01 ), shows the control treatment were significantly better than group . 4 .
Results At twenty-four weeks after the operations , all the examinations of group A and E were better than group B , C and D ( P < 0.05 or P < 0.01 ), but there were no statistically significant differences between group A and E.
Various symptoms in the rats in Group C and D decreased obviously , with normal tendency of T lymphocyte subgroup and elevated antioxidation , decreased ulcers and bleeding spots in the colonoscope examination , and Group D better than Group C ( P < 0.01 ) .
To observe the changes of blood rheology and blood-lipid and the cure effective of two groupsResults : After treatment , there was a significant difference between the two groups in blood rheology and blood-lipid , and the better effective group is nourish kidney , adjust Du channel .
RESULTS : The experiment group is better than control group .
Results Quality life of experimental group is better than control group .
Results In effect immune function living time and toxicity , study group is better than control group .
Results : The curative effect of group C were better than of group B significantly after treatment .