Bank acceptance

美 [bæŋk əkˈseptəns]英 [bæŋk əkˈseptəns]
  • 网络银行承兑汇票
Bank acceptanceBank acceptance
  1. The Problems About the Bank Acceptance Bill in use and the Countermeasures


  2. Bank acceptance bill played essential function in this process .


  3. Can be received within six months of bank acceptance bills of exchange .


  4. Notes receivable represent mainly bank acceptance bill received for sales of goods and products .


  5. " Banker 's acceptance ; bank acceptance , bill "


  6. The drawer signed commercial bank acceptance bank based on the drawer credit approval and give credit support .


  7. Then the author further analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of applying bank acceptance bill in china 's color TV industry .


  8. Analysis is made on the problems about the bank acceptance of commercial bank during the economic activities , and the preventives are given .


  9. Where loss of function of bank acceptance deposits is caused , the people 's court shall take deduct measures in accordance with law .


  10. The bank acceptance has been risen in recent years , and is growing up rapidly , however , there was virtually nonexistent quotation analysis and further study about this field .


  11. Where financial institutions have accepted or paid the bill , financial institutions may apply to the people 's court to remove freeze-up measures on corresponding part of bank acceptance deposits .


  12. After the expiration of the bankers ' acceptances , Yang Dong zhou not timely repayment of bank acceptance bills debt by Da zhong Electric Company has assumed liability for the instrument .


  13. On the basis of the investigation of the status quo of the bank acceptance operation in Jiaxing , this paper analyzes the main problems and causing factors of the current operation actuality , and puts forward several suggestions on improving and perfecting the bank acceptance operation .


  14. In its form , the action of filching and discounting bank acceptance belongs to the category of implicated offence in the theory of criminal law , which means the doers hold the target of commit a crime and their behaviors or results violate other laws .


  15. The Bill Market is an essential part of the Currency Market , including the Commercial Bill Market and the Bank 's Acceptance of Bill Market .


  16. Bank 's acceptance , in nature , is the obligor 's acceptance of the pledge of deposit without defense .


  17. As the bank card acceptance network continue to expand , pay channels , diversity and innovation will be the theme of electronic payment industry .


  18. Either no drugs either on credit or use cash or bank full acceptance , or unprincipled drugs either on credit for a large proportion of the drugs either on credit to all customers .


  19. This is often achieved by selling the issuing bank 's bankers acceptance to other investors .


  20. This kind of business we need to verify with the bank , which issue the bank acceptance , on which we should give the relevant endorsement .


  21. Bank A will then inform Bank B of acceptance or rejection of the discrepancies after seeking a waiver from the applicant .


  22. Is the bank , post office serve time that outside serving a place to be opposite , announces the bank and post office acceptance to the public or a kind of aeriform contract ?


  23. The central bank should construct paper market intermediaries , reinforce discipline of settlement of commercial bank , and increase the fee rate of bank acceptance .
