
  • 班贝格(德国中南部一城市,位于纽伦堡西北偏北)
  1. It used to take months to process asylum applications : Bamberg aims to get that down to around 10 working days .


  2. Bamberg houses 850 refugees , most brought here from temporary hostels dotted across Bavaria or picked up by local police .


  3. Who we 'll get out through bamberg , we 'll ship kelvin .


  4. The narrow streets of Bamberg , a charming old town in the German state of Bavaria , are hard to forget .


  5. Last week , prosecutors in Bamberg opened a separate investigation after a bookseller , who was not identified , advertised Der Schelm 's edition .


  6. His recent and upcoming engagements in Europe include appearances with the Vienna and Berlin Philharmonics , Deutsches Symphony Orchestra and the Bamberg Symphony .


  7. Summer in Bamberg can also be scorching , but no homes have air conditioning , and very few shops or buses do either . I used to wonder how they survived the summer .


  8. Unlike most residents of the Bamberg camp he speaks fluent German - he spent six years here as a child in the 1990s , but his family then moved back to the Balkans .


  9. Erik Ohlenschlager , the chief prosecutor in Bamberg , said at a news conference in Wuerzburg that authorities were examining the video to determine if the young man in the video was the teenager who carried out the attack .


  10. He and his wife and daughter were recently transported to a former US army barracks in the picturesque Bavarian town of Bamberg that has been turned into a camp for Balkan immigrants awaiting deportation .


  11. The Bamberg camp was set up as Germany 's parliament toughened up the country 's asylum law by placing Kosovo , Albania and Montenegro on the list of " safe " countries of origin : asylum applications from these countries would henceforth be considered " patently unfounded . "
